The following problems that J. Webb Mealy raise are never dealt adequately—or at all—in Amillennial literature. I think it is because they are deeply problematic for their system. “[Amillennialism believes since] Satan’s release from prison and destruction (Rev. 20:7–10) is connected with the parousia, then the time of his imprisonment “so that he should deceive […]
satan's binding
Satan’s Present Activity Does Not Describe Revelation 20:1–3 | Grant Osborne’s Revelation Commentary
Grant R. Osborne. Revelation. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002 Osborn’s commentary on Revelation is a helpful commentary to own since he interprets from a premillennial and futurist approach. His Arminianism, however, is evident and ends up skewing some of his interpretations, and his Posttribulationist beliefs are misguided. Despite […]