Just to let you know, I don’t go out searching for critiques or misrepresentations of the prewrath position. I don’t need to. They come to me. And recently there have been a spate of people sending me this or that pretrib sermon and wanting me to review it. My time is limited so I have […]
Here is the format of the Eschatology debate in Dallas this month between myself and Tommy Ice
UPDATE HERE! DEBATE at The Hope Center in Plano, Texas Friday, September 25, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Central Thomas Ice vs. Alan E. Kurschner Moderated by Kerby Anderson . Thesis: THE CHURCH WILL FACE THE ANTICHRIST BEFORE THE RAPTURE Affirmative: Alan E. Kurschner Denial: Thomas Ice Debate Format: Part 1: Opening Statements Prewrath presentation: […]
Honestly, sometimes I feel I am the only one who is grieved by the sensationalism and misinformation out there on Bible prophecy
People seem to be freaking out about the near future. I don’t know why as a Christian. It is sadly ironic that Jesus said, “Make sure that you are not alarmed, for this must happen” and yet so many people are freaking out. When publishers print “the-sky-is-falling” books, it sends the wrong message to God’s […]
A Reply to Renald Showers on James 5:7–9, Imminency, and the Meaning of the Greek Perfect Tense – Ep. 44
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/044-A_Reply_to_Renald_Showers_on_James_57_9_Imminency_and_the_Meaning_of_the_Greek_Perfect_Tense.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedI responded to pretrib teacher Renald Showers and his misunderstanding of the Greek perfect tense-form and thus his interpretation of James 5:7–9 and how that affects his pretrib imminency. Specifically, I responded to the following statement by Renald E. Showers: “[T]he fact that the Greek verbs translated […]
5 Differences between Pretrib Bible Prophecy Conferences and Prewrath Bible Prophecy Conferences
1. Pretrib Bible Conferences rarely tell you the titles of the talks ahead of time. It’s a grab bag. Prewrath conferences list the actual titles of the talks on the flyer, so you know what you will actually learn before you arrive. 2. Pretrib Bible prophecy conferences generally do not focus on specific Bible passages. […]
The Emotional, Sentimental Attachment to the Tradition of an Imminent Pretrib Rapture – Ep. 42
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/042-Attachment_to_the_Tradition_of_an_Imminent_Pretrib_Rapture.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedI talked about the pervasive emotional attachment that many pretrib believers have toward the notion of of imminency. I also read a pertinent selection from S. P. Tregelles’s The Hope of Christ’s Second Coming on sentiment and emotion. “Perhaps today!” is the expression that many of us have […]
Joseph Farah of WND Moving Away from His Pretrib View…
I am encouraged to learn that Joseph Farah recently announced that he is moving away from his pretrib view to evidently a prewrath view: As a new believer nearly 40 years ago, I accepted the idea that born-again Christians would be raptured out of this world long before the world got Revelation-style ugly. I defended […]
An Apt Reply to Those Who Think the Olivet Discourse is “Jewish” and Therefore Not Instruction for the Church
In the 19th century, S. P. Tregelles wrote the best book responding to the first generation of pretribulationism, The Hope of Christ’s Second Coming. It is filled with nuggets and is required reading for any prewrather. He had a lot to say to the pretrib notion that the Olivet Discourse was not instruction for the […]
A Glaring Contradiction in Calvary Chapel’s Pastor Jack Hibbs Pretribulational Rapture
I could cite many other pretribulational teachers committing this all-so-common inconsistency in their rapture theology. But I will use Jack Hibb’s statement as representative. On a recent program of Jan Markell’s Understanding the Times with Jan Markell, her guest Jack Hibbs repeatedly stressed the “imminency” of the rapture that he claims will be “unannounced” that […]
Does Paul Teach There Will Be a “Gap” of Time between the Rapture and the Day of the Lord’s Wrath? – Ep. 40
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/040-Does_Paul_Teach_There_Will_Be_a_Gap_of_Time_between_the_Rapture_and_the_Day_of_the_Lord_s_Wrath.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedI talked about the apostle Paul’s teaching of the temporal relationship between the rapture and the beginning of the day of the Lord’s wrath and its implications. Prewrath eschatology teaches that the rapture and the onset of the day of the Lord’s wrath will happen back-to-back on […]
Does Jesus Teach There Will Be a “Gap” of Time between the Rapture and the Day of the Lord’s Wrath? – Ep. 39
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/039-Does_Jesus_Teach_There_Will_Be_a__Gap__of_Time_between_the_Rapture_and_the_Day_of_the_Lord_s_Wrath_.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedI talked about the temporal relationship between the rapture and the beginning of the day of the Lord’s wrath and its implications. Prewrath eschatology teaches that the rapture and the onset of the day of the Lord’s wrath will happen back-to-back on the very same day. The […]