Everyone will receive the debut issue of our new magazine that is being printed next week!: Biblical Prophecy Magazine After that you will have to subscribe to it (subscriptions will open up in two weeks). But if you want a free subscription … [Continue reading] about Here Is HOW You Can Receive a Free Subscription to Biblical Prophecy Magazine . . .
Here Is HOW You Can Receive a Free Subscription to Biblical Prophecy Magazine . . .
Bible Prophecy Conference in EXACTLY One Month!
Sign up now. I am looking forward to the physical prewrath fellowship! The conference venue is only 10 minutes from an international airport! I am excited about the topic of the conference, tracing the celestial disturbance event through … [Continue reading] about Bible Prophecy Conference in EXACTLY One Month!
‘Jesus will come back in the same way you saw him go into heaven’
“After he had said this, while they were watching, he was lifted up and a cloud hid him from their sight. As they were still staring into the sky while he was going, suddenly two men in white clothing stood near them and said, “Men of Galilee, why do … [Continue reading] about ‘Jesus will come back in the same way you saw him go into heaven’
Do Prewrathers Sacrifice their Children?
No, that's an exaggeration . . . we only sacrifice our firstborn. In some pretribulation circles, even the mere mention of "prewrath" is anathema. Denying an any-moment rapture is tantamount to denying the virgin birth of Jesus. In many … [Continue reading] about Do Prewrathers Sacrifice their Children?
‘Life Is Short, Live for What Lasts’ [Funeral Sermon Video]
This past month a dear friend of mine died unexpectedly. He was a Christian, praise God. His pastor gave the sermon from Lighthouse Baptist Church in Eau Claire, WI, where the memorial service was held. His sermon will leave a mark on you, … [Continue reading] about ‘Life Is Short, Live for What Lasts’ [Funeral Sermon Video]
Funny how you don’t hear the left talking about ‘tolerance’ anymore
Oh how things change! The left always lectured the American people to have "tolerance" of opposing views. Now that they are in power they have become the most intolerant of opposing views. Their recent fascism of everything they disagree with is … [Continue reading] about Funny how you don’t hear the left talking about ‘tolerance’ anymore
“Where Is the ‘Trump of God’ Between the Sixth and Seventh Seal?”
I have heard this objection to prewrath on occasion. It is easily answered: Darrin Ball has a good response: I agree with Trond. It's like asking, "Where are the 144,000 in the Olivet Discourse?" Not every element is present in every eschatology … [Continue reading] about “Where Is the ‘Trump of God’ Between the Sixth and Seventh Seal?”
My ‘Panic’ Video Is Just as Relevant Today as It Was Exactly a Year Ago
THREE Passover Books You Need on Your Bookshelf . . .
Messiah in the Passover | Virtual Passover Seder (Video)
Following the success of last year’s virtual Messiah in the Passover presentation, we are taking Passover to the next level this year. Take a seat at the table with Mitch and Zhava Glaser as you join with them and others at a family Passover Seder! … [Continue reading] about Messiah in the Passover | Virtual Passover Seder (Video)
VCY America Misrepresents the Prewrath Viewpoint (Video)
In VCY America's Prophecy Focus program, Pastor John Fallahee and Dr. Richard Schmidt grossly misrepresents the prewrath position claiming that the church will go through the trumpet judgments of God's wrath. Prewrath teaches that the rapture … [Continue reading] about VCY America Misrepresents the Prewrath Viewpoint (Video)