Why premillennial theology matters is an issue that every student of biblical prophecy needs to be aware of. Premillennialism teaches that at Jesus’s second coming he will deliver the righteous and judge the ungodly. Then the righteous will enter into a period—the millennium—of peace and righteousness where Jesus establishes on earth his physical reign […]
The Greek in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Disproves the Pretribulation Rapture (Video)
Second Thessalonians chapter two has been the nemesis for pretribulationism. Or what I refer to as the 800-pound gorilla in the Bible of the pretribulationist. This biblical passage has convinced more ex-pretribulationists that their pretrib theology is wrong than any other Bible passage. The reason for this is straightforward: The fundamental premise of pretribulationism is […]
Four-Week Series on the Olivet Discourse (Video)
Pastor Ryan Habbena of Conquering King Fellowship in Eagan, Minnesota begins a four-week series on the teaching of Jesus on the end of the age. In this opening message, he explores the foundation of the faith as well as the framework of Biblical prophecy. Be sure to subscribe to his channel for updates in the […]
Craig Blaising on the Difference Between Israel and the Church (Video)
In this lecture, progressive dispensational theologian Craig Blaising explains why God works with Israel and the church at the same time. (See also my five part podcast series on this very topic below.) Blaising also gives an excellent explanation on the nature and relationship between Israel and the church. While Blaising maintains his pretribulationism, his […]
Advances in Textual Criticism in the Book of Revelation (Video)
Last month I attended the lecture of Dr. Juan Hernández Jr. at Princeton Theological Seminary. He is a professor of biblical studies at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. He delivered a lecture titled “Recovering Revelation’s Forgotten Textual History: Josef Schmid’s Magnum Opus for the Twenty-First Century.” In the last few years there have been […]
Passover and the Lord’s Supper (Video)
Messiah in the Passover with Dr. Mitch Glaser
Sequence of Second Coming Events and the Passover (Video)
The Passover King: Exploring the Prophetic Connection Between Passover, the End Times, and the Return of Jesus Travis M. Snow is the President and Founder of Voice of Messiah. Get it at Amazon Few people are aware that the original Passover story is the key to understanding the end times and the […]
Repent, for the End Is Nigh (Video)
Social Distancing at a Cemetery (Video)
*I forgot my wind filter for my mic, so there are a few points when it is windy, but they are temporary. I explained that the tumult happening right now in society is a type of what will happen during the seventieth week of Daniel, in particular during the beginning of birth pangs and the […]
What Is Purim? (Video)
“The festival of Purim celebrates Queen Esther’s triumphant rescue of the Jewish people from genocide in ancient Persia! Learn about this Bible story and why this holiday still holds a special meaning for Jewish people and believers in the Messiah today.”
What Does the Pre-Wrath Rapture View Teach? (Video Interview)
Today, I was interviewed on Dr. Douglas Hamp’s The Awakening Report. It was a substantive rapid program!