Name of the film: The Conquest Genre of film: Dramatic Documentary Estimated Release: Late 2021 Writer/Director: Ryan Habbena “The Conquest” traces the amazing true story of the battle for the Land of Promise. Join us on an epic journey from the inception of the Israelites first crossing the Jordan river to the climactic conclusion that […]
Who Is the ‘Strong Angel’ In Revelation 10? [Video Sermon]
Dr. Joseph Parle on the PURPOSE for the Future Millennium [Video]
Dr. Joseph Parle author of Dispensational Development and Departure, beginning at timestamp 10:03, makes the excellent observation why covenant theology is averse to viewing a future physical, millennial kingdom. I’ll quote some of what he says on this point: [There] is a tendency to see this kind of more how the covenant theologians do, more […]
Dr. Mike Stallard Makes a Valid Point Against Progressive Dispensationalism [Video]
[See my update below] The following is a round table discussion among traditional dispensational exponents Dr. Mike Stallard, Dr. Christopher Cone, and Dr. Joseph Parle. At one point in the discussion (timestamp 54:10), Dr. Stallard makes the valid point against progressive dispensationalism that they function from an “already-not-yet” theological hermeneutic, which imposes an absolute meaning […]
The People, the Land and the Future of Israel in Romans and Pauline Epistles [Video]
This is a session by Dr. Michael Vanlaningham at our ‘The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel’ Conference in 2014.
Does Paul’s ‘We’ in 1 Thess 4:15–17 Mean that He Believed in an ‘Any Moment Rapture’? [Video]
This is a helpful discussion among three noted traditional dispensationalists about the history of dispensationalism. While it is not about pretribulationism per se, at 9:45, one of the participants claimed that Paul believed in an any moment rapture (i.e. imminence) when he included himself (“we”) in the rapture in 1 Thess 4:15–17. “For we tell […]
Saucy on The People, the LAND, and the Future of Israel [Video]
My ‘Panic’ Video Is Just as Relevant Today as It Was Exactly a Year Ago
Messiah in the Passover | Virtual Passover Seder (Video)
Following the success of last year’s virtual Messiah in the Passover presentation, we are taking Passover to the next level this year. Take a seat at the table with Mitch and Zhava Glaser as you join with them and others at a family Passover Seder! Follow along with us as Dr. Mitch Glaser leads us […]
VCY America Misrepresents the Prewrath Viewpoint (Video)
In VCY America’s Prophecy Focus program, Pastor John Fallahee and Dr. Richard Schmidt grossly misrepresents the prewrath position claiming that the church will go through the trumpet judgments of God’s wrath. Prewrath teaches that the rapture occurs between the sixth and seventh seal. They are simply irresponsible with this blatant misrepresentation. Not surprisingly, they […]
The Prewrath Documentary Continues DAILY to Change Pretrib Minds
Derek writes: I watched the entire video [the prewrath documentary]. Very insightful and well put together. I have always been a pre-trib guy. BUT I am seriously rethinking some things. HOME