The following is a recent debate between Michael Brown and Gary DeMar: Has Matthew 24 Been Fully Fulfilled?
Mukluks, Food, and Faith during the Great Tribulation
The winter in Northern Wisconsin has started early. I am a cold enthusiastic. In Northern Wisconsin we have an additional hunting weekend starting tomorrow, so I will be in the woods in sub-zero degree weather before the crack of dawn with my trusted friend, Henry 308. It got me thinking of a question that I […]
A Prewrath Sermon on the Classic Rapture Passage (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18)
“But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died. For this […]
Conference Video Now Available!
The six video sessions from last weekend’s Bible prophecy conference on The Abomination of Desolation are now available. Here are the instructions: 1) If you signed up for the livestream last weekend then use the same log in as you did for the live stream: go to “E-Store” in the menu and click on “My […]
The Prewrath Documentary ONE YEAR LATER
What I can say, except I am so glad that Chris White and myself decided to produce this documentary, because its influence has been widespread. God has used this movie to change the minds of countless (ex-)pretribulationists over to the prewrath view in the past year. People who otherwise likely would not read a book […]
The ‘Ezekiel 38–39 / Gog Magog’ Battle Takes Place AT THE END of the Millennium (Video)
In his podcast Bible Prophecy Talk, Chris White makes a case that the Gog Magog battle described in Ezekiel 38–39 will take place at the end of the Millennium—not before the millennium as is commonly believed. You can also watch video playlist of his series on this topic:
Preach It! – Revelation 14
Is Skynet a Forerunner to Revelation 13:15? [Video]
Aside from Rob Braxman’s articulate discussion about this new technology, I could not help to think of the eerie similarity to the “living” image of the beast from Revelation 13:15, which will be able to speak and have the power to kill those who refuse to worship the beast. Read Revelation 13:15 and then watch […]
Excellent Sermon on Antichrist and Revelation 13 [Video]
Replacement Theology Inconsistent on God’s Promises [Video]
Dr. Mike Stallard points out salient examples of the inconsistent hermeneutic of replacement theology concerning God’s promises. I have it time-stamped in the video below.
Dispelling Common Myths about Dispensationalism [Video]
Many who misrepresent dispensationalism have never read any primary dispensational literature. The following discussion dispels the most common, recurring misrepresentations out there.