There are five views that deny the church will face the Antichrist: 1. Preterism 2. Historicism 3. Pretribulationism 4. Agnostic-Tribulationism 5. Pan-Tribulationism The Prewrath (as well as many post-tribs) affirm that the last generation of the church will face the Antichrist’s great tribulation just before Christ’s returns. See my book on this topic on Amazon: […]
No Signs but Signs – A Major Inconsistency on Imminency with Pretrib Teachers
Pretribulational eschatology teaches that the rapture is “signless” or “unannounced,” while the second coming will be preceded by signs and thus “announced.” There cannot be any intervening prophetic events or signs that will occur before the rapture. Hence, it can happen at any moment. If just a single, biblical, prophesied event happens before the rapture, […]
What Is Pretribulational Imminency? (aka “any moment secret rapture,” “imminent,” “imminence”)
Pretribulational theology teaches that the rapture will happen pre-tribulational—before the “tribulation” period. The sine qua non of pretribulationism is the belief in “imminency.” There are variations of this term: “imminent”: “imminence,” and “any moment.” The older terminology used the terms “secret coming” or “secret rapture.” Imminency is the heart of pretribulationism. Pretribulationism defines this notion […]
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RAPTURE DEBATE ANNOUNCEMENT: Alan E. Kurschner (Prewrath) and Thomas Ice (Pretribulational)
UPDATE HERE! Rapture Debate: September, 25, 2015 in Plano Texas at The Hope Center. The thesis is: The Church Will Face the Antichrist Before the Rapture Prewrath exponent Kurschner will take the affirmative and Pretrib exponent Ice will take the negative. Be sure to click on the link for more information and registration. […]
Will the “Sky Vanishing Like a Scroll Being Rolled Up” at the Sixth Seal in Revelation 6:14 Be a Visual Event?
I talked about the apocalyptic event of the “Sky Vanishing Like a Scroll Being Rolled Up” at the Sixth Seal in Revelation 6:14 as a visual event.
Why Do Pretribs Believe there is a Rapture Before the 70th Week of Daniel?
Follow Us on Meerkat for Live Video Streaming
[LIVE VIDEO NOW from Alan’s study 9:00am–10:00pm eastern for taking questions on eschatology. You need a twitter account and the Meerkat app for an iOS device.] I am starting to use Meerkat for live video streaming. You can follow here. I will stream random live eschatology chats, frequent streaming lectures, and on occasion live […]
What Is the Correct Meaning of “You Are Lukewarm, and Neither Hot Nor Cold” to the Laodicean Church?
I talked about the correct interpretation of Revelation 3:14–16. I explained an important piece of cultural-geographical background that illuminates the meaning of this bit of text. “Hot” and “cold” are not being contrasted with each other. They are BOTH good elements. They are in a class together being contrasted with lukewarmness. “‘I know your works: […]
Revelation 20 Is NOT Where the Millennial Debate Should Begin
This past weekend I gave a paper at the Evangelical Theological Society Northeast Section’s Annual Meeting in Clarks Summit, PA at Baptist Bible Seminary. The title of my paper is THE TERMINUS A QUO OF THE BINDING OF SATAN: A FUNCTIONAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF REVELATION 19:11–20:3. I argued that the many cohesion ties in Revelation […]
VIDEO: Did You Know There Are Five, Not Four, Sets of Sevens in the Book of Revelation?
The fifth set of seven in the book of Revelation are seven unnumbered visions. They function in chapters 12-14 as a parenthetical section, developing previous eschatological events mostly that will occur during the Antichrist’s great tribulation.