I would take issue with one thing he said at the very end of this video. As many posttribulationists think, he unfortunately fails to recognize the biblical distinction between the Antichrist’s great tribulation and the day of the Lord’s wrath. Other than that I appreciate everything else he said.
VIDEO: Zion’s Hope 2016 Land & Sea Bible Prophecy Conference & Cruise
View our brochure online In-depth prophetic Bible teaching by nationally-known end-times author and speaker, Marv Rosenthal, including Joel Richardson, and Alan Kurschner. Special presentations by ministry leaders, highly respected scholars, best-selling authors, and an Israeli musician 3 nights in historic Hershey and Lancaster, PA. A spectacular theatrical new production of Samson at the Sight & […]
VIDEO: What is life all about? | Ecclesiastes, Death, Meaning of Life
hat tip Patrick Chan
VIDEO: The 144,000 Jews in the Book of Revelation Are NOT ‘Jewish Evangelists’
I talked about the pretrib assumption that interprets the 144,000 Jews in Revelation 7 as ‘evangelists.’ They are not. They are sealed by angels to protect them from the impending day of the Lord’s wrath that will soon come upon the world at the opening of the seventh seal. This remnant of Jews will be […]
VIDEO: Discovery of an Ancient Seven-Sealed Scroll | Book of Revelation
I talked about a discovery of a seven-sealed (“bullae”) scroll in Israel at Wadi ed-Daliyeh that was still intact when it was found. I discussed the function of the scroll and its seals in the book of Revelation and what their relationship is with the trumpets and bowl judgments. You can see the images of […]
VIDEO | Will People Get Saved after the Rapture during the Day of the Lord’s Wrath?
Will people such as Gentiles get saved after the rapture during the day of the Lord’s wrath? And if so will those who are saved experience the day of the Lord’s wrath? I first responded to the pretribulational theological interpretation of this question before I answered with my prewrath response. I also addressed how the […]
The Blessed Hope Is Not Escaping the Antichrist’s Persecution
Titus 2:13 looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus. Pretribulationism teaches that the blessed hope is about escaping persecution, particularly the end-time persecution. The Bible does not teach this. The blessed hope is the glorious appearing of our Lord, not an escapist, imminent […]
Who Is Saying ‘Peace and Security’ in 1 Thessalonians 5:3?
I replied to a pretrib objection to the prewrath position that says 1 Thess.5:3 contradicts prewrath: “While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” (1 Thess 5:3). This objection was easily answered as I […]
VIDEO | Pretribs Make the Same Categorical Error as the Thessalonians by Confusing Persecution with God’s Judgment
The Thessalonian believers in Paul’s second epistle were suffering because of persecution. They made the mistake of thinking that they were experiencing the day of the Lord’s wrath because of this. Paul writes back and reassures them that the day of the Lord’s wrath has not come, because two events must happen first: the […]
Red-Eye Moon
I took a red-eye flight to Jersey on my way back from the rapture debate in Dallas. I was able to catch the tail end of the super blood moon and I talked about one of my strategies for debating Thomas Ice this past weekend. Tracing the celestial disturbance event from Joel, the Olivet Discourse, […]
RAPTURE DEBATE between Alan Kurschner (Prewrath) and Thomas Ice (Pretrib) | AUDIO and VIDEO
Watch the debate here. Listen to my post-debate commentary Click here for a PDF transcript of the debate THE CHURCH WILL FACE THE ANTICHRIST BEFORE THE RAPTURE Affirmative: Alan Kurschner | Prewrath Denial: Thomas Ice | Pretribulational Moderated by Kerby Anderson The Hope Center, Plano, Texas September 25, 2015 Debate Format: Part 1: […]