Scott Clarke is the one responsible for originally theorizing and then promoting the “Rapture in Revelation 12/September 23rd interpretation,” something that has gone viral in recent months and will continue to do so until its failed fulfillment on the morning of September 24. Last week, he gave a talk at the “The Watchmen Signs in […]
(Documentary) THE SIGN | Rapture, September 23, Revelation 12
Earlier this summer I was interviewed for the upcoming documentary The Sign. It will air on AUDIENCE network on Thursday 9/14 at 8PM EST. Below is a teaser; the main trailer for the documentary will be out later this week if I am not mistaken. There were many prophecy teachers interviewed for this documentary. Although the […]
5 Reasons Why Revelation 19 and Its Battle of Armageddon Does NOT Describe the BEGINNING of the Second Coming of Jesus
See also this article: I was interviewed by Joel Richardson recently on his The Underground. We addressed the very deep-seated assumption that many hold where Revelation 19 and its depiction of Jesus on a horse in the sky at the battle of Armageddon describes the beginning of the second coming of Christ. Amillennialists, pretribulationists, posttribulationists, and […]
(VIDEO) Will the Church Face the Antichrist?
(VIDEO) Flat Earth
(VIDEO) Audience Member Stumps Thomas Ice with Question at a Debate | Midwest Prophecy Conference, Calvary Chapel, Lafayette, IN
There was a recent debate at the pretrib 2017 Midwest Prophecy Conference, Calvary Chapel, Lafayette, IN: “Is the return of the Lord imminent?” between Dr. David Lehman and Dr. Tommy Ice. Both debate participants are pretrib; the former, however, denies imminence and attempted to argue that you can deny imminence and affirm pretribulationism. This is […]
(VIDEO) The BACKSTORY to Scottie Clarke’s FIRST Failed Prediction of the Rapture
(For future reference, you can follow my ongoing series critiquing Scott Clarke’s “Great Sign of Revelation 12” theory at this link.) As a preface I want to say that I am not “attacking” Scottie Clarke personally. He seems like a nice and sincere person. My intention is to refute his theory which I believe is […]
(VIDEO) A Reply to Scott Clarke’s ‘The Great Sign of Revelation 12’ Theory
I want to respond to a few points in a video from Scott Clarke, who evidently introduced the recent “Great Sign Revelation 12” theory (the video is down below). I will be responding to him more in the future on various aspects of his pretribulational Revelation 12 rapture theory. So this is just the first […]
(VIDEO) Pretrib Teacher Billy Crone Caught Denying Imminence
The Bible although it doesn’t give us the date of the rapture, it does give us indicators when it is getting close, the season (emphasis mine). —Billy Crone on Prophecy Watchers hosted by Gary Stearman –6/1/17 Sooner or later when you get pretrib teachers to talk a lot, they end up making statements that deny […]
A Teachable Moment Why Pretrib Logic Fails Miserably on the Daniel’s Seventy-Weeks Prophecy
Billy Crone in the video below (starting at 8:00) commits this common logical and biblical error on this issue. Here is the pretrib logic: Pretribs reason that since the Seventy-Weeks prophecy in Daniel 9:24–27 was given to Israel, the Church cannot “exist” on earth during any of its fulfillment. Here is why this common pretrib argument fails: […]
Pretrib teacher Billy Crone continues to produce more prewrathers!
Gary Stearman, please continue to have Billy Crone on your show, because he is producing more ex-pretribbers and thus more prewrathers! Crone’s colossal ignorance in his pretrib safe space is on display in the Prophecy Watchers below. It is truly amazing to watch his really bad argumentation. I am not kidding when I say this […]