In the 90s I digested Bob Cornuke’s material of his biblical investigations and discoveries, in particular his claim that the real Mount Sinai is located in Saudi Arabia and not the traditional site in the Sinai Peninsula. The biblical, historical, and material evidence is convincing. Joel Richardson recently visited the area and gives an intriguing […]
BOOK TRAILER: New Children’s Book on the Coming New Jerusalem!
Author and artist Janet L. Willis wrote the children’s book on the coming New Jerusalem, God’s Got a House and It’s Coming to Earth. It is full of beautiful artwork and more importantly an accurate portrayal of biblical truth of the coming kingdom. It is also consistent with the prewrath view on the day of […]
(VIDEO) Reading 1 Corinthians 15 in a Jewish Cemetery on Resurrection Day
Reading 1 Corinthians 15 in a Jewish Cemetery on Resurrection Day | Easter 2018 “Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless […]
A Response to Chris Steinle and His Denial of a ‘Catching Up’ in 1 Thess 4:17
Here is my series response to Chris Steinle: A Response to Chris Steinle and His Denial of a ‘Catching Up’ in 1 Thess 4:17 Articles for Posttribulationism to Consider Is the Meaning of Harpagēsometha in 1 Thess 4:17 ‘Rapture’ or ‘Plunder’? Part 4 – Ep. 117 Is the Meaning of Harpagēsometha in 1 […]
Subscribe to our (Improved) YouTube Channel
Eschatos Ministries is planning to extend our influence to Youtube. We have had a YouTube channel for a number of years but with little activity on our part. We will soon be offering videos on a more frequent basis, so if you would like to be alerted to them you can subscribe here: SUBSCRIBE HERE […]
Is Saudi Arabia’s City NEOM Mystery Babylon?
“David Rosenthal, Director of Operations at Zion’s Hope, shares about what is taking place in the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, and the creation of a new metropolis on the Red Sea, and the potential implications for end-times.”
(VIDEO) The New Christian Zionism h.t. Hays
(VIDEO) What You Need to Know about the New Jerusalem
Doug Hamp gives a lucid biblical theology of the New Jerusalem: its nature, history, purpose, size, shape, location, and its timing of when it descends to earth, before or after the millennium. (Incidentally, toward the end of the video he puts a plug in for his book against Calvinism, which I would not agree with, […]
(VIDEO) Debunking a Popular Hebrew Roots’ Interpretation of “But as for that day and hour no one knows it” Matthew 24:36
Joel Richardson does a good job in challenging the oft-repeated claims by Hebrew Roots date-setters that Jesus did not literally mean when he said, “But as for that day and hour no one knows it.” It is claimed that this was a “Jewish idiom” in the first century that carried an opposite meaning of what […]
(VIDEO) Prewrath Is ‘Satanic’ Thinks Jan Markell, Pastor J.D. Farag, and Amir Tsarfati…
In last weekend’s Understanding The Times Conferences 2017 hosted by Jan Markell’s Olive Tree Ministries, she had a meeting with two of the speakers that was video recorded. In the video below starting at the timestamp 6:45 you can hear them talk about how prewrath is “Satanic.” Well, we cannot have any of that! Let’s […]
(VIDEO) No, Mr. Marzulli, we cannot ‘fix it’—but the Living and Almighty God Is Able
In the video below at timestamp 4:00, L. A. Marzulli makes the following anti-biblical, heretical prophecy: “We are in a place in history where you can’t fix this anymore.” He says this is his opinion. Based on what? That is a huge claim he is making. You can have an opinion on who is going […]