While preaching the gospel of Christ at the NJ abortion mill can be gritty and even violent as I posted on recently, there are joyful occasions that the fruit of its work is seen. For example, two weeks ago, in the video below, Rob Parker, who faithfully preaches the gospel at the abortion mill every […]
MEET UP this Tuesday, Feb 18, in Wayne, NJ for the Movie ‘Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle’ (Video)
The movie Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle is showing only on Feb 18 at movie theaters across the country. The meet up will be 5:30pm at the nearby Starbucks (57 NJ-23, Wayne, NJ) near the AMC Wayne 14, where the movie begins at 7:00pm. Be sure to buy your ticket now if you […]
Learn to Sing This Song for the Antichrist’s Great Tribulation [Video]
The true story behind the famous Christian song, “I have decided to follow Jesus.” It tells the story of a family in the Garo tribe from Meghalaya, then called Assam in India, who faced persecution just because of their faith in Jesus Christ. The lyrics are based on the last words of a Garo tribesman. […]
Chosen People Ministries 125th Anniversary Gala (Video)
Prewrath Movie Project (Trailer)
I am excited to announce that Chris White and I are teaming up to produce a professionally produced prewrath film. We are confident that this will be a game changer for prewrath in terms of an alternative to pretribulation documentaries and movies. Many people will be exposed to prewrath who otherwise would never read a […]
A Refutation of Bill Salus’s Pretrib ‘Gap’ Theory (Video)
In the last couple of decades prewrath has had such a huge impact on pretribulationism that many pretrib teachers have changed its fundamental timeline. Many pretrib teachers now, including Bill Salus, have jettisoned the traditional view that the rapture occurs the same day that Daniel’s seventieth week begins (i.e. the seven-year period), which they erroneously […]
Chag Sameach Sukkot! Learn about the prophetic meaning of the final Fall feast in this video!
Video Sessions of the 2019 FBC Fall Bible Prophecy Conference
Fellowship Bible Chapel in Sunbury, Ohio kicked off its 2019 Fall Prophecy Conference in Session 1 with Charles Cooper and his introduction to the Day of the Lord in the Book of Revelation. In Session 2, Kurschner addresses the timing and placement of the rapture in relation to the Antichrist’s great tribulation. In Session 3, […]
Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement (Video)
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, begins tonight at sunset. Find out why it is considered the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, and how it points to the atoning sacrifice of Yeshua!
The Meaning of Rosh Hashanah (Video)
“Before Rosh Hashanah begins tonight, we wanted to tell you what it is, how it is celebrated, and what it means for believers in Yeshua!” “The LORD spoke to Moses: ‘Tell the Israelites, ‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you must have a complete rest, a memorial announced by loud […]
This Is Why PROPHECY WATCHERS Is Distracted and Deceived from Sound Biblical Prophecy (Video)
God help us. The Church is utterly unprepared for the soon-arrival of the Antichrist’s great tribulation, thanks to foolish distractions such as this from Prophecy Watchers.