This review was excellent as it shows that Zechariah 14 reveals that postmills and amills bow the knee to theological commitments rather than to God’s Word. At one point, an audience member asked the participants about Zechariah 14, and both the amiller and postmiller admitted they were not very familiar with that passage (which in […]
The Prophecy of the Throne of David: The David Covenant [VIDEO]
Does Satan Still Rule? Eschatology and Satan’s Defeat (Video)
My Second Interview with David Rosenthal of Zion’s Hope [Video]
“Zion’s Hope President David Rosenthal continues his interview with Alan Kurschner, author of Pretrib: Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Theology. In part 2 of this discussion, Kurschner addresses the assumption that the rapture is not part of the Second Coming. He describes various events associated with the return of Jesus and corrects assumption that some […]
My Interview with David Rosenthal of Zion’s Hope [Video]
Join Zion’s Hope President David Rosenthal as he interviews Alan Kurschner, author of Pretrib: Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Theology. In this insightful discussion, Kurschner refutes several foundational premises (or suppositions) upon which Pretrib Rapturism is grounded, including the claim that God does not work with the Church and Israel at the same time. Kurschner […]
Jesus’s Present HEAVENLY Throne and His Future Earthly DAVIDIC Throne [Video]
John Calvin’s Strawman of Premillennialism (Video)
h.t. Alf Cengia
Berean Pastors Embrace Prewrath (Video)
The following is a series by the pastoral staff who were Berean and changed their view that prewrath and not pretribulationism represented the biblical view on the second coming. I appreciate their humility and Berean spirit. One of the main prewrath resources that were instrumental in the reexamination of their pretrib view and acceptance of […]
God Is STILL Using Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy to Save Jews Today! (Video Testimony)
ZERO Evidence that the ‘Apostasy’ in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Refers to the Rapture (Video)
After ten years of demonstrating the pretrib interpretation that the term “apostasy” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 does not refer to the rapture, I have had zero pretrib responses to my exegesis. This is very telling, but demonstrates that there is zero evidence for their interpretation. It is a desperate attempt, with all due respect, to […]
Trumpets to Tents (Video Playlist)