Even though Steve Hays is an amillennialist, in this article he does challenge his amill friends not to assume everything in the book of Revelation is symbolic without any corresponding real event. I would be more on the spectrum of specific events than “kinds” of events; nevertheless, it is encouraging to see Hays move in […]
Book of Revelation
When Does the Binding of Satan’s Thousand Years Begin? – Revelation 19:11–20:3 Supports Premillennialism, not Amillennialism – Ep. 3
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/003-Revelation_20.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedI talked about what the millennial debate is not about, and what it is about. Many interpreters frame the wrong question when they engage the millennial debate. This allowed me to introduce the most fundamental principle of interpreting the Bible, which is to ignore chapter breaks. I […]
Coming Up on Wednesday’s Program: Premillennialism Vs. Amillennialism
AlanKurschner.com/3 Coming up on Wednesday’s The Biblical Prophecy Program™, I will be making two points. What the millennial debate is not about and what it is about. Many interpreters frame the wrong question when they engage the millennial debate. This will introduce us to the most fundamental principle of interpreting the Bible. The answer may […]
What Is the Visionary Mode of the Book of Revelation? Movie Theater and/or Virtual Reality?
There are no published commentaries on the book of Revelation that I can recommend. Commentators either begin with flawed presuppositions about the framework of the book (e.g. amillennial, historical premillennial, pretribulational) or they are not asking the right questions (e.g. atomizing the text). One of these questions that is rarely investigated—and impinges on interpretive conclusions—is […]
Four Reasons the Biblical Celestial Disturbance Event Supports the Pre-Wrath Rapture – Ep. 2
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/002-celestial_disturbances.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedIn episode 2, I traced four key biblical accounts of the celestial disturbance events in Joel 2:30-31, Matthew 24:29, Luke 21:25–28, and the sixth seal in Rev 6:12–17. I explained the consistency between Joel, Jesus, and the book of Revelation. The celestial disturbance event demonstrates the biblical […]
Answering the Post-trib Interpretation of Revelation 16:15
“(Look! I will come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays alert and does not lose his clothes so that he will not have to walk around naked and his shameful condition be seen.)” (Rev 16:15 NET) Posttribulationists frequently use Revelation 16:15 to support their position. They argue that Rev 16:14–16 indicates that […]
Debate on the Date of the Book of Revelation – Mark Hitchcock vs Hank Hanegraaff
Dr. Mark Hitchcock and Mr. Hank Hanegraaff debate the date of the Book of Revelation. The debate took place on December 10, 2007 at the annual Pre-Trib Study Group meeting in Dallas, TX. Dr. Hichcock will argue for the AD 95 date. Mr. Hanegraaff will argue for the AD 65 date. While the AD 95 […]
The Natural Progression to the Onset of the Day of the Lord’s Wrath
The prewrath position makes the most sense out of the seals in the book of Revelation. Prewrath places the resurrection and the rapture between the opening of the sixth and seventh seal (Rev 7:9–17). This happens just before the day of the Lord’s wrath begins at the opening of the seventh seal containing the judgment […]
The Figurative Use of “Armageddon”
Armageddon is a step closer to reality. USA today has a report that should disturb anyone concerned about the mad mullahs of Tehran getting their hands on nuclear weapons. Their avowed goal is Armageddon, that could usher in the 12th Mahdi. More here… We see these news items almost every day using the figurative use […]
I Can Already Hear the Pretribber Teachers and Pastors Saying, ‘Don’t Worry, You’ll Be Raptured Before This Takes Place!’
http://www.infowars.com/the-mark-scientist-claims-human-microchip-implants-will-become-not-optional/print/ Thankfully, more and more Christians everyday are ignoring this illusory mantra and listening to what the Bible clearly teaches on this issue. And then we have the preterist and historicist amillers and postmillers doubling down on their stone-age hermeneutic claiming that the mark of the Beast is only “symbolic.” Let’s block out these false […]
Beheaded Martyrs Participating in the “First” Resurrection – Sequential or Thematic?
http://theorangemailmanmyblog.wordpress.com/2014/03/25/the-first-resurrection-timing-often-misunderstood/ I also made a couple of additional comments in the combox of this post.