Readers sometimes treat Revelation’s word pictures as a code designed to hide the author’s meaning from all but selected insiders. But the primary function of the imagery is to reveal, not to conceal. Word pictures offer a way of seeing the character of God, the world, and the community of faith. The writer portrays Jesus […]
Book of Revelation
DEBATE VIDEO: Pre-Wrath vs Pre-Tribulational Rapture | Bible Prophecy
It’s been over a year now since I debated Thomas Ice. I am glad the debate happened because thousands of people have either listened to the debate audio or watched the video. I have received numerous positive emails since then, including ex-pretribbers who thought I made a better biblical case for the rapture and Antichrist […]
A Reply to Pretrib Thomas Ross and His Faulty Understanding of the Aorist Greek Tense-Form in Revelation 6:17
Thomas Ross of Mukwonago Baptist Church in Mukwonago, Wisconsin has written a critique of the prewrath position. One particular point that Ross asserts is the following: Furthermore, the fact that God’s wrath “is come” in Revelation 6:17 is an aorist indicative indicates that past time is the strong basic predisposition, so that the fundamental tendency for interpretation […]
How to Prepare for Jesus’ Second Coming: DON’T Take the Mark of the Antichrist – Ep. 66
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedThis episode warned of the future mark of the Antichrist and its consequences for taking it. The Bible’s warning in Revelation 13–14 is for the Church. This will be a real, future event that individuals living at this time will have to face—it could be this generation. […]
How to Prepare for Jesus’ Second Coming: 4 Views that Militate Against Biblical Readiness – Ep. 65
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedI started a series talking about how to prepare for Jesus’ second coming in a biblical fashion. Today I described four views that militate against this readiness. 1. Pretribulationism: The warnings are relegated to “tribulation saints.” We will be raptured out of here so we do not […]
Revelation 1:18 and the God of Death who Holds Its Keys
“I was dead, but look, now I am alive—forever and ever—and I hold the keys of death and of Hades!” (Rev 1:18) Steve Hays writes, “There’s probably a connotation to this verse that’s lost on modern readers. We think of “death” as an abstract term for the cessation of life. The physical condition of the […]
Accommodation Principle of Interpreting Apocalyptic Prophecy | Book of Revelation
“[S]ome aspects of the original prophecy may be described in terms appropriate for the understanding of the hearers of its time—e.g., wars involving horses and swords, rather than future weapons totally unknown at the time of writing. Such adaptations to the understanding of the original hearers, however, do not change the essential meaning of the […]
The Trumpet Judgments Cannot Begin Until the Scroll is Opened with the Breaking of the Final Seventh Seal
Here are the reasons I believe this to be the case.
My Review of the Rapture Debate between Pre-Trib Doug Stauffer and Post-Trib Joe Schimmel – Ep. 61
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedI gave my review of the rapture debate between Pre-Trib Doug Stauffer and Post-Trib Joe Schimmel that occurred at the Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit in Colorado hosted by Prophecy in the News. I addressed the following issues that was covered in the debate, in no particular order: […]
VIDEO: The 144,000 Jews in the Book of Revelation Are NOT ‘Jewish Evangelists’
I talked about the pretrib assumption that interprets the 144,000 Jews in Revelation 7 as ‘evangelists.’ They are not. They are sealed by angels to protect them from the impending day of the Lord’s wrath that will soon come upon the world at the opening of the seventh seal. This remnant of Jews will be […]
An Invitation for Pretrib Pastor Jesse Johnson to Publicly Debate on Whether Revelation 6 and Its Six Seals Will Occur Before the Day of the Lord
Jesse Johnson is the Teaching Pastor at Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield, VA. He represents the John MacArthur/The Master’s Seminary wing of the pretribulational camp. He has made recent pretrib claims about the book of Revelation that cannot be supported by Scripture. They are your typical assumptions that pretribs make about elements in Revelation. One […]