Andy Woods has recently written a booklet (54 pages): The Falling Away: Spiritual Departure or Physical Rapture?: A Second Look at 2 Thessalonians 2:3. He interprets the Greek word apostasia (the apostasy/falling away) as referring to the rapture. “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes […]
Why should I expect the Antichrist to arrive this generation?
I thought I made it clear in yesterday’s post why I believe this. But let me answer and clarify it again. I believe this for the same reason why I expect Jesus to arrive this generation. If we think that the Antichrist could not meaningfully arrive this generation, then we should not believe that Jesus […]
Why We Should Expect the Antichrist to Arrive THIS Generation
Premise 1: The Bible teaches that Jesus can return during any generation (e.g. Matt 24:36–25:30). Premise 2: The Bible teaches that the Antichrist will arrive before Jesus’s return (e.g. 2 Thess 2:8). Conclusion: Therefore, the church should have a real expectation to face the Antichrist’s arrival this generation. Conversely, if we think that the Antichrist […]
How Do We Know that the Events of the Great Tribulation Begin at Matt 24:9 and Not 24:15?
I am asked if the events in Matt 24:9–14 portray events throughout church history or during the future seven-year period. “Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and will kill you. You will be hated by all the nations because of my name. Then many will be led into sin, and they will […]
Any Discussion on Who Is the Restrainer in 2 Thess 2 Must Contend with—Not Ignore—Colin Nicholl’s Research
Recently, there have been radio programs discussing the referent to the apostle Paul’s mention of a “restrainer.” What is baffling is that these programs have completely ignored Colin Nicholl’s research on the evidence of Michael being the Restrainer. Scholars in the last ten years who have been writing commentaries and other monographs have of course […]
Issues of Interpretation and Commentary on Matthew 24–25 – Jesus’s Olivet Discourse
I am asked frequently if I can recommend a commentary on Matthew’s Olivet Discourse. The problem is that (1) many commentaries on Matthew, in particular chapters 24–25, come from a historicist view, an interpretation that skews Matthew’s message and consequently distorts the application for the church today; (2) some commentaries come from a preterist view and/or […]
Why the prewrath position is not going away. . .
I want to comment on some encouraging observations regarding prewrath in recent years. I have seen the prewrath position become the fastest growing eschatological position in evangelical circles. It has been around for three decades, but it took time for it to gain momentum. My involvement began in the early 90s when prewrath was just […]
Fake Theology from Bob Ulrich of Prophecy Watchers (Video)
Years ago I gave up hope of many pretrib teachers, who claim to be concerned with that little thing called . . . “truth,” of representing the prewrath position accurately, even just the most basic facts. Today Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers had Bob Ulrich on promoting the upcoming pretrib prophecy conference of their 2nd […]
The Antichrist Cannot Kill Your Soul. So Stop Being Afraid.
Let’s face it, here is the main reason why many pretribs reject prewrath. . . One of the main reasons, which is unstated, why many pretribulationists reject prewrath is an emotional one: they do not want to think that they may have to face the Antichrist. “But Alan, you cannot read their hearts!” Actually, I […]
What is the difference between a Christian being martyred today and a Christian being martyred by the future Antichrist?
There are two levels where this question is answered, the corporate and individual level. Corporately The church has been persecuted for about 2,000 years by many antichrists (plural). This is a historical fact that is undeniable with the myriads of accounts of believers dying for their faith all around the world up to this very […]
Thanks to Pretrib Billy Crone the Prewrath Position Is Making Inroads into Gary Stearman’s Prophecy Watchers . . .
Here is how this is playing out: First, Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers has chosen Billy Crone as his go-to pretrib rapture guy promoting Crone on his program and his books. Second, with all respect, Crone’s arguments against the prewrath position and for pretribulationism are surface-level, refuted easily here many times. See especially this post […]