The Rapture in Matthew 24. Who gets left behind? Who is taken? When will the Rapture take place? Rapture timing? What is the Pre-Wrath Rapture, the Pre-Trib Rapture, the Post-Trib Rapture? Join us in this video as we discuss Matthew 24, a passage that reveals who is taken and who is left behind when […]
Video: A Posttribulationist Becomes Prewrath (John 14)
This is an excellent explanation why John 14 contradicts posttribulationism. When will the Rapture take place? Where will believers go after the Rapture? Pre-Trib Rapture, Post-Trib Rapture, or Pre-Wrath Rapture? In this video we will cover one of the most important Rapture texts in the Bible, John 14. Also check out Dr. Alan Kurschner’s books […]
VIDEO: Next Year in Jerusalem
One aspect of Janet Willis’s writings has shown with clarity in her What On Earth Is Heaven Like? A Look at God’s City: New Jerusalem that interpreters have assumed a linear measurement rather than considering a cube measurement. She explains all of this in Chapter 3 of her book. If for no other reason […]
VIDEO: The Relationship Between the Second Coming and the Battle of Armageddon
It is a deep-seated assumption among many pretrib and posttrib interpreters that the Second Coming begins with the battle of Armageddon. For example, they identify Matt 24:30–31 as the same setting as Rev 19:11–21. But this is not correct. Three events associated with the Second Coming will occur before the battle of Armageddon: (1) […]
VIDEO: ‘The Day of Christ’
VIDEO: The Celestial Disturbances Close Out the Church Age
VIDEO DEBATE: On the Religious Identity of the Antichrist
Chris White: Opening Arguments: 1:16 Joel Richardson: Opening Arguments: 31:33 Chris White: 1st Response: 1:02:17 Joel Richardson: 1st Response: 1:17:16 Chris White: 2nd Response: 1:32:19 Joel Richardson: 2nd Response: 1:42:26 Chris White: Questions and Closing: 1:52:20 Joel Richardson: Questions and Closing: 2:03:14 This is a debate on the doctrine of the Antichrist moderated by […]
VIDEO: Don’t Blink!
I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people cite “in the twinkling of an eye” as support for an imminent return of Jesus. SEE MORE . . .
The Greek in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Disproves the Pretribulation Rapture (Video)
Second Thessalonians chapter two has been the nemesis for pretribulationism. Or what I refer to as the 800-pound gorilla in the Bible of the pretribulationist. This biblical passage has convinced more ex-pretribulationists that their pretrib theology is wrong than any other Bible passage. The reason for this is straightforward: The fundamental premise of pretribulationism is […]
‘In the twinkling of an eye’
I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people cite “in the twinkling of an eye” as support for an imminent return of Jesus. I have chalked it up to that adage that if you hear something said over and over again, you begin to believe it, and over time it is reflexive […]
What Are the ‘Bookends’ to the Church Age?
A prophecy to consider is found in the book of Joel. After all of this I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your elderly will have revelatory dreams; your young men will see prophetic visions. Even on male and female servants I will pour […]