I also made a couple of additional comments in the combox of this post.
DEBATE AUDIO: Pretrib, Prewrath, and Posttrib Rapture Debate…
[Recent Debate on the Rapture Here] The following rapture debate was held on October 9, 1999 at Irving Bible Church, Irving, Texas. About 600 were in attendance. The moderator was Kerby Anderson. My commentary on the debate is below. The following are the four parts of the debate with a rebuttal period after each […]
The Book is Now Available in Kindle! . . .
The book Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord is finally in Kindle! Click below:
New to the Pre-Wrath Perspective?
In the past few months there have been a spate of new readers here. The following are some articles to bring newcomers up to speed on the prewrath perspective. And last but not least get a copy of my most recent book for a full-orbed prewrath exposition: Sincerely, Alan Kurschner […]
Amazon’s “Look Inside” Now Available
Seals, Trumpets, Bowls – At the Same Time or One After the Other? i.e. Concurrent-Recapitulation or Consecutive-Progressive?
I am writing a book responding to posttribulationism. It will be the first prewrath book that substantively engages the posttribulational view. Even though my book Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord responds to relevant points on posttribulationism, this forthcoming book will be completely devoted to the posttrib interpretation. My hope is that it will […]
Where Do Believers Go after the Rapture?
[See also the program on this topic] The following is an excerpt (pp. 83–85) from my book Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord: What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Return of Christ The last part of verse 17 climaxes with reassurance: “And so we will always be with the Lord.” Where will we […]
Slogans Should Not Replace Scripture — A Brief Response to Ed Hindson on 2 Thessalonians 2
Ed Hindson asserts, I am not looking for the Antichrist, I’m looking for Jesus Christ. I am not even looking for the undertaker, I am looking for the uppertaker (at 14 min. here). Hindson uttered this cutesy slogan as he was talking about 2 Thessalonians 2! And worse, he did not even try to give […]
NOW POSTED: All Three Interviews on Three Rapture Views
The final interview is posted, which is the pretribulational position. I have linked all three interviews below. Next week, there will be a final post where each of the participants were able to ask each other a question. In the near future, I will be responding to Svigel’s answers. His argument depends much on his […]
Interview on the Pre-Wrath Rapture
Lindsay Kennedy posted his interview with me on the prewrath position. You can read it here: Last week, he posted his interview with Craig Blomberg on post-tribulationism, and next week he will post his interview with Michael Svigel on pre-tribulationism. Then he will finish up the series with posting questions that we were able […]
Interviews on the Rapture Here are the interviews and interviewees in the order they will appear online: Week 1: Michael Svigel (Pre-Tribulationism) Week 2: Alan Kurschner (Pre-Wrath) Week 3: Craig Blomberg (Post-Tribulationism) Week 4: Where the interviewees get to ask one another a question.