I told my 3 year old son that he had to wait until Christmas day to open up his presents. In other words, it was not an imminent event but rather a delayed intervening period. Was his response “diminished hope” as pretibbers would have you believe if there was an intervening period before the rapture? […]
A Reply to David James Who Thinks It Is Possible that a TRUE Believer Can Take the Mark of the Beast and REMAIN Saved
It is worse than I thought. David James’s pretribulationism is incredibly incoherent and the man cannot be reasoned with in just normal discourse. That is unfortunate because as Christians we are called to have Christ-like discussions, which also includes representing the other side accurately and fairly. David James also holds to a false Gospel, thinking […]
My Positive Interaction with Progressive Dispensationalist Bruce Ware at the Annual ETS Meeting
A few weeks back I attended the annual ETS meeting in San Diego. The first unit I took in was on “The Future of Progressive Dispensationalism.” The session I heard was by Bruce A. Ware entitled, “The Hermeneutics of Progressive Dispensationalism (PD).” Ware is a pretribulational progressive dispensationalist. One of the principles of PD that […]
‘The Modern Hebrew-Speaking Jew’ Fallacy
This is a real fallacy that is pervasive in some evangelical circles, especially pretrib circles. There is also the Modern Greek-Speaking Greek counterpart fallacy. But the former is more common. Many evangelicals think that modern Jews who speak Hebrew have some special “insight” into Scripture because they are Jewish and/or speak Hebrew. They do not. […]
A Reply to Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s Glaring Omission of a Key Part of the Noahic Flood Narrative
Arnold Fruchtenbaum states: Genesis 7:10 states that the waters of the flood began seven days after Noah entered the ark. . . . The flood did not come the same day that Noah entered the ark . . . Just as there was a period of time between Noah entering the ark and the start […]
A Reply to Arnold Fruchtenbaum on Misrepresenting Marvin Rosenthal’s Definition of Pretrib Imminence
Arnold Fruchtenbaum states: [I]mminency does not mean that “no prophesied events must occur before the rapture.” Imminence means that no prophecied event must be fulfilled before the rapture, although the possibility does exist.” In attempt to “correct” Marvin Rosenthal’s definition of imminence, Fruchtenbaum ends up restating what Rosenthal said! Rosenthal got the pretrib definition correct […]
A Reply to Arnold Fruchtenbaum on the Identity of the Fifth Seal Martyrs
Arnold Fruchtenbaum claims: “[T]here is nothing in the context of the fifth seal to indicate [that the saints are martyred because they would not bow down to the Antichrist].”* On the contrary, Fruchtenbaum omits an important cohesive tie: “Now when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those […]
A Reply to Arnold Fruchtenbaum on so-called ‘Two Different Persecutions’ in Matthew 24
Arnold Fruchtenbaum claims: “The ‘persecution’ of in Matthew 24 follows the abomination, and the ‘persecution’ spoken of in the fifth seal precedes it. The two passages do not speak of the same persecutions but two distinct ones.” He then further clarifies that he sees a persecution for believers before 24:15 and a different persecution for […]
A Reply to Arnold Fruchtenbaum on the Day of the Lord
Arnold Fruchtenbaum claims, “The sixth seal does portray a cosmic disturbance, but nowhere does it say that it is that cosmic disturbance which kicks off the day of the Lord” (emphasis mine)* On the contrary, a little good ol’ fashion comparing Scripture with Scripture will easily refute such a claim: “Now when the Lamb opened […]
Prewrath Audiobook Now Available! – And a Way to Get it For Free
If you are not a member of audible you can sign up for it and get your first audiobook for free, which can be this prewrath audiobook. Click on the image below. Publisher’s Summary Many of us have been told that we will be “raptured out of here before the Antichrist arrives.” But what […]
Spectator Vs. Participator Eschatology
Pretrib vs. Prewrath eschatology can be viewed from the perspective of Spectator vs. Participator eschatology. Pretrib eschatology represents adherents that possess a spectator posture. Pretrib books, films, and conferences tantalize their audiences with Bible prophecy from their safe spaces. They are convinced that they will never have to participate in the martyrdom of the Antichrist. […]