Amillennialists are fond of asserting that Satan is bound in this present age only in the sense of preventing nations from being deceived from accepting the Gospel. Satan, we are told, is not bound to prevent individuals from being deceived, only nations. A glaring flaw in this thinking is the obvious fact that the Gospel-hating […]
UPDATE on the Annual ETS Conference – Ep. 103
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedHere I talked about the recent annual Evangelical Theological Society conference and the Society of Biblical Literature conference in New England. It was a long, but productive week.
(VIDEO) Scott Clarke Contradicts Himself in His ‘Date-Suggesting’ Rapture Talk
Scott Clarke is the one responsible for originally theorizing and then promoting the “Rapture in Revelation 12/September 23rd interpretation,” something that has gone viral in recent months and will continue to do so until its failed fulfillment on the morning of September 24. Last week, he gave a talk at the “The Watchmen Signs in […]
Why Revelation 19 and Its Battle of Armageddon Does NOT Describe the BEGINNING of the Second Coming of Christ – Ep. 93
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedI am re-posting an interview that Joel Richardson had with me recently on his The Underground. We addressed the very deep-seated assumption that many hold where Revelation 19 and its depiction of Jesus on a horse in the sky at the battle of Armageddon describes the beginning of the second […]
(Book) Is the Church Israel?
Jim McClarty has written a short helpful book Is the Church Israel?, which includes of course interaction with the proof texts of replacement theologians. He provides his book for free online in the link below, but if you would like to help support him you can purchase it on Kindle for only $2.99. Jim McClarty […]
5 Reasons Why Revelation 19 and Its Battle of Armageddon Does NOT Describe the BEGINNING of the Second Coming of Jesus
See also this article: I was interviewed by Joel Richardson recently on his The Underground. We addressed the very deep-seated assumption that many hold where Revelation 19 and its depiction of Jesus on a horse in the sky at the battle of Armageddon describes the beginning of the second coming of Christ. Amillennialists, pretribulationists, posttribulationists, and […]
Articles for Posttribulationism to Consider
Prewrath and posttribulationism share some affinities with each other. However, there are some important differences as well, differences that I think many posttribulationists have not considered. Hence, I am providing this list of articles containing issues for posttribulation rapturists to consider from a prewrath perspective. Seals, Trumpets, Bowls – At the Same Time or […]
WHO WERE THE RECIPIENTS OF FIRST PETER? … “you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own” 1 Peter 2:9 | Supersessionism, Replacement Theology “So as you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but chosen and priceless in God’s sight, you yourselves, as living stones, are built up as a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood and to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it says in […]
Is Every Promise Fulfilled in Christ? A Reply to Thomas Schreiner’s Supersessionism
[W]hat about the promise of land? This is a very controversial subject, but I would argue that the promise of land is fundamentally fulfilled, first, in the resurrection of Jesus himself. Every promise is fulfilled in Jesus; so the resurrection, the physical resurrection of Jesus, it’s the inauguration of that promise made, originally, to Adam […]
A Quick Response to Pretrib Teacher and Pastor Geoffrey Kirkland
Geoffrey Kirkland makes the mistake of indicating that his pretribulationism is the only interpretation of futuristic premillennialism. He does not even use the term “pretribulationism.” He just (wrongly) assumes futuristic premillennialism is the same thing as his eschatological pretrib framework, which misleads his readers. They are not the same thing. Pretribultionism is one interpretation of […]
What Is the Best Argument for Premillennialism?
I am finishing my PhD this coming year, finally. My dissertation is on a linguistic analysis of the cohesion between Revelation 19–20. Without exception, amillennialists break the unified discourse at Revelation 20:1, being influenced by the chapter break. They retroject the binding of Satan by lifting this event from its immediate context back to the […]