A Proposal for (Future) Apostate Jerusalem’s Role in a Progressive Dispensational Eschatology: Another Look at Revelation 17–18 by J. Paul Tanner ABSTRACT Among the interpretative problems pertaining to the book of Revelation, the identification of the harlot, Babylon the great, in Revelation 17–18 stands as one of the most significant. Suggestions range from preterist views […]
SIGN The Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem
This week I signed The Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem. I signed the Statement because: “The Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem is an organization dedicated to facilitating a better public understanding of the complexities of the Middle East including its roots in history and the Bible. The group, which is comprised of key faith […]
The Scofield Bible: Its History and Impact on the Evangelical Church (Book Notice)
Recently, I read The Scofield Bible: Its History and Impact on the Evangelical Church by R. Todd Mangum and Mark S. Sweetnam. Both scholars have done their research well in this book. Unlike other books that have attempted to write on the person C. I. Scofield, which is typically biased in approach, this book is […]
Eternal Israel: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Studies that Uphold the Eternal, Distinctive Destiny of Israel (Book Notice)
Eternal Israel: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Studies that Uphold the Eternal, Distinctive Destiny of Israel by Barry Horner In Eternal Israel author Barry Horner presents a variety of biblical, theological, and historical studies that argue for the distinctive, eternal destiny of Israel. Like Horner’s 2004 work Future Israel, […]
BOOK TRAILER: New Children’s Book on the Coming New Jerusalem!
Author and artist Janet L. Willis wrote the children’s book on the coming New Jerusalem, God’s Got a House and It’s Coming to Earth. It is full of beautiful artwork and more importantly an accurate portrayal of biblical truth of the coming kingdom. It is also consistent with the prewrath view on the day of […]
(VIDEO) Reading 1 Corinthians 15 in a Jewish Cemetery on Resurrection Day
Reading 1 Corinthians 15 in a Jewish Cemetery on Resurrection Day | Easter 2018 “Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless […]
A BIG Difficulty in the Plot Line within the Amillennial Narrative in the Book of Revelation
Robert W. Wall writes: W. Hendricksen locates Satan’s imprisonment between the two advents of Christ, when the church is able to evangelize the nations with complete freedom (Conquerors, pp. 185–90). This interpretation draws upon elements of Revelation 12–13, where Satan is unable to destroy the church. Further, it corresponds well to the subsequent vision of […]
Satan’s Present Activity Does Not Describe Revelation 20:1–3 | Grant Osborne’s Revelation Commentary
Grant R. Osborne. Revelation. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002 Osborn’s commentary on Revelation is a helpful commentary to own since he interprets from a premillennial and futurist approach. His Arminianism, however, is evident and ends up skewing some of his interpretations, and his Posttribulationist beliefs are misguided. Despite […]
Is Jesus Currently on David’s Throne?
Michael J. Vlach writes: The purpose of this blog post is to examine Peter’s use of Psalm 132:11 in Acts 2:30 with a view toward grasping Peter’s understanding of the throne of David concept. Acts 2 describes the baptizing and filling ministry of the Holy Spirit after Jesus’ ascension. This is all related to Jesus, […]
Reply to Thomas Kidd: “When Christians Began Speaking of ‘the’ Antichrist”
Since the comment section of Thomas Kidd’s blog does not work, I will post my comments to his blog article here (his blog article is linked below). Thomas, Thank you for your article. If I may, I would like to point out a fundamental flaw in your reasoning without being verbose. I believe you are […]
(VIDEO) What You Need to Know about the New Jerusalem
Doug Hamp gives a lucid biblical theology of the New Jerusalem: its nature, history, purpose, size, shape, location, and its timing of when it descends to earth, before or after the millennium. (Incidentally, toward the end of the video he puts a plug in for his book against Calvinism, which I would not agree with, […]