Why premillennial theology matters is an issue that every student of biblical prophecy needs to be aware of. Premillennialism teaches that at Jesus’s second coming he will deliver the righteous and judge the ungodly. Then the righteous will enter into a period—the millennium—of peace and righteousness where Jesus establishes on earth his physical reign […]
The Narrative Logic to the Seals of the Book of Revelation
The first four seals prove the wicked deserve God’s wrath, the fifth seal promises God’s wrath, the sixth seal portends God’s wrath, the two remnants are protected from God’s wrath, and the seventh seal pronounces God’s wrath. Related to this consecutive-narrative logic is the notion of a certificate of debenture: The Seven Sealed Scroll […]
Craig Blaising on the Difference Between Israel and the Church (Video)
In this lecture, progressive dispensational theologian Craig Blaising explains why God works with Israel and the church at the same time. (See also my five part podcast series on this very topic below.) Blaising also gives an excellent explanation on the nature and relationship between Israel and the church. While Blaising maintains his pretribulationism, his […]
Matthew 24:30–31 Is NOT Describing the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19:11–21
[Today, I am starting a four-part article series, The Second Coming Does Not Begin with Armageddon. This is Part 1.] The battle of Armageddon is not the event that begins the second coming (the parousia). It is a deep-seated assumption among many pretrib and posttrib interpreters that Matt 24:30–31 is a parallel passage to […]
On Misrepresenting Dispensationalism
Craig A. Blaising tells the following story, Recently, one of my students wrote a paper on current issues in dispensationalism. At the beginning he quoted a prominent pastor who identified dispensationalism as that dangerous heresy of date-setting. The student, of course, dismissed this charge as simply uninformed. Dispensationalism is a futurist premillennialism. Its very reception […]
Why Ezekiel and John’s Dimensions of the New City DO NOT Conflict With Each Other
There are similarities between Ezekiel and John’s descriptions of the new city. However, many interpreters believe they conflict on the issue of the measurements of the size of the new city. Janet Willis has shown with clarity in her What On Earth Is Heaven Like? A Look at God’s City: New Jerusalem that interpreters have […]
A Reply to Jeff Durbin’s Mishandling the ‘Left Behind’ Passage
In this video at the time stamp 55:00, preterist Jeff Durbin mishandles the context of the “Left Behind” passage in Jesus’s Olivet Discourse. He claims that it is the righteous who are left behind and the wicked taken to judgment. He has it completely backwards as the context will clearly show. (Incidentally, I don’t suspect […]
A Proposed Itinerary of WHERE Jesus Will Be AFTER the Rapture
I have been asked many times concerning the location of Jesus’s activities after the rapture. It is a common question in prewrath discussions. Robert Van Kampen’s The Sign has a helpful explication of this period. To be sure, in the last 30 years since its publication prewrath has refined this topic. Let me comment on […]
The Amillennial Interpretation of Satan’s Binding Simply Does Not Work
The following problems that J. Webb Mealy raise are never dealt adequately—or at all—in Amillennial literature. I think it is because they are deeply problematic for their system. “[Amillennialism believes since] Satan’s release from prison and destruction (Rev. 20:7–10) is connected with the parousia, then the time of his imprisonment “so that he should deceive […]
Preterist Gary DeMar of American Vision Turns Down Public Debate Invitation
Recently, preterist theologian Gary DeMar of American Vision was invited to debate ex-preterist and now-futurist Dr. Brock Hollett, who is the author of Debunking Preterism: How Over-Realized Eschatology Misses the Not Yet of Bible Prophecy. The topic would have been on the coming of the Son of Man in Matthew 24:30 and whether that is […]
Bible Prophecy Conference Audio Now Available!
These teachings on Understanding the Book of Revelation were originally delivered at the Minnesota Bible Prophecy Conference, July 13, 2019 in Eagan Minnesota. Understanding the Book of Revelation