This is the last installment of our six-part series. The last reason why verses 36–44 refer to the immediate context of the coming in verses 30–31 is found in a helpful parallel passage in the gospel of Luke. The passage in Luke 17:22–37 parallels Matthew 24:23–41. Luke reads: (22) Then he said to the disciples, […]
Olivet Discourse
Part 5 – Why the “Coming” in Matthew 24:36–44 Refers Back to Verses 30–31
The fourth reason why verses 36–44 refer to the immediate context of the coming in verses 30–31 is found in the use of the term parousia. The term is used only four times in the gospels and are all found in Matthew 24:3, 27, 37, 39. Hart argues the parousia mentioned in verses 37 and […]
Part 4 – Why the “Coming” in Matthew 24:36–44 Refers Back to Verses 30–31
The third reason why verses 36–44 refer to the immediate context of the coming in verses 30–31 is recognizing Jesus’ audience. Hart argues verses 4–35 are intended for a Jewish audience and verses 36–44 are for the church. However, both passages have the same audience of disciples. The second person plural “you” is found in […]
Part 3 – Why the “Coming” in Matthew 24:36–44 Refers Back to Verses 30–31
The second reason why verses 36–44 refer to the immediate context of the coming in verses 30–31 is found in the natural antecedent. Verse 36 reads, “But as for that day and hour no one knows it—not even the angels in heaven—except the Father alone” (Matt 24:36). The immediate and natural antecedent of “that” day […]
Part 2 – Why the “Coming” in Matthew 24:36–44 Refers Back to Verses 30–31
As mentioned in the first part, Hart views these two passages as incompatible because he construes verses 4–35 teaching signs before Christ’s coming, while verses 36–44 teaching no signs before his coming. Therefore, he claims verses 36–44 must not be referring back to the coming in verses 30–31, instead must refer to a pretribulational rapture […]
Part 1 – Why the “Coming” in Matthew 24:36–44 Refers Back to Verses 30–31
Pretribs have three big proof texts: James 5:7–9, Titus 2:11–14, and Matthew 24:36. It is the latter proof text that I will split up in a six part series. This first part is the introduction explaining the argumentation for their interpretation. In the next five parts I will give five reasons why the “Coming” in […]
Clarifying My Previous Post
I want to reply to a response and clarify my previous article “How Will Matthew 24:14 Be Fulfilled?” Darrin made the following comments here: (a prewrath facebook group I recommend.) “The end of the age in the Olivet Discourse should be the end of the age in the great commission.” I agree. “The gospel […]
How Will Matthew 24:14 Be Fulfilled?
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole inhabited earth as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matt 24:14) More than a few missionary agencies have taken this prophecy as their mission verse, believing it will be the church itself fulfilling this prophecy to bring […]
Another Striking Parallel Between Jesus and Paul Documented
I have documented over 25 parallels between Jesus and Paul’s eschatological teaching, demonstrating clearly that Paul is dependent on Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, contra preterism and pretribulationism. Up to this point, I have overlooked another parallel, a conceptual and verbal parallel: “meeting” (apantesis). In Paul’s teaching, he is referring to the rapture when he mentions “meeting” the […]
New Prewrath Pamphlet Available! Jesus and Paul Teach the Same Second Coming
Click here and scroll down to purchase it. This pamphlet is ideal for a bible study on the parallels between Jesus and Paul’s teaching on the second coming. In addition, the vast majority of preterists and pretribulationists deny that Jesus and Paul are teaching on the same subject. But the the overwhelming parallels between their […]
Beware of Antichrist “Risers”
“Risers” is a term I am coining to describe those who are preoccupied with deciphering the conditions that will exist for the “rise of Antichrist.” Conditions such as Antichrist’s religion or ethnicity or where he will “rise” from (show me his birth certificate!). Risers spend very little time on what the Bible teaches about the […]