Spurgeon was a historical premillennialist, not a futurist premillennialist. I came across the following statement of his which would indicate he was supersessionistic: “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of […]
Was Charles Spurgeon a Supersessionist When It Came to Israel?
Daniel Commentary, Revised Edition, Word Biblical Commentary (Book Notice)
Daniel (Commentary), Word Biblical Commentary by Dr. John Goldingay Get it at Amazon The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, […]
Why the Bowls Follow AFTER the Trumpet Judgements: A Response to Recapitulation on the Reclamation of the Kingdom (Part 1) – Ep. 153
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/Why_the_Bowls_Follow_AFTER_the_Trumpet_Judgements_A_Response_to_Recapitulation_on_the_Reclamation_of_the_Kingdom_Part_1_-_Ep._153.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedDr. Kurschner started a mini-series giving reasons why the bowl judgments follow after the sounding of the seventh trumpet, and not before as the recapitulation framework would have it. His first reason in this first part focused on the pronouncement of the reclamation of the kingdom of […]
The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy: Studies and Expositions of the Messiah in the Old Testament, editors Michael Rydelnik and Edwin Blum (Book Notice)
The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy: Studies and Expositions of the Messiah in the Old Testament, eds. Michael Rydelnik and Edwin Blum Get it at Amazon Editorial Reviews From the Back Cover The ultimate, all-in-one resource on what the Old Testament says about Jesus As Jesus walked […]
My Positive Interaction with Progressive Dispensationalist Bruce Ware at the Annual ETS Meeting
A few weeks back I attended the annual ETS meeting in San Diego. The first unit I took in was on “The Future of Progressive Dispensationalism.” The session I heard was by Bruce A. Ware entitled, “The Hermeneutics of Progressive Dispensationalism (PD).” Ware is a pretribulational progressive dispensationalist. One of the principles of PD that […]
A Follow Up to My Recent Post ‘The Modern Hebrew-Speaking Jew Fallacy”
This week I posted on the Modern Hebrew-Speaking Jew Fallacy, at least that is what I call it. A reader from Israel chimed in with the following. Hi Alan, Timely post this one. Living out here [Israel] I see this exact same thing quite a bit. While being a Hebrew speaker can give you a […]
‘The Modern Hebrew-Speaking Jew’ Fallacy
This is a real fallacy that is pervasive in some evangelical circles, especially pretrib circles. There is also the Modern Greek-Speaking Greek counterpart fallacy. But the former is more common. Many evangelicals think that modern Jews who speak Hebrew have some special “insight” into Scripture because they are Jewish and/or speak Hebrew. They do not. […]
A Reply to Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s Glaring Omission of a Key Part of the Noahic Flood Narrative
Arnold Fruchtenbaum states: Genesis 7:10 states that the waters of the flood began seven days after Noah entered the ark. . . . The flood did not come the same day that Noah entered the ark . . . Just as there was a period of time between Noah entering the ark and the start […]
Chosen People Ministries 125th Anniversary Gala (Video)
ANOTHER GLARING Inconsistent Pretrib Interpretation on Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy
Pretribulation interpreters reason that the church will not be part of the 70th week of Daniel (i.e. the last seven years) because it was not part of the 69 weeks. I have responded to this fallacious claim several times. But let me give you three reasons below, the third is a new counterexample I am […]