The Last Israelis
“The Islamic theocracy ruling Iran believes that apocalyptic scenarios are necessary before Islam’s savior, the Mahdi, or ‘Hidden Imam,’ returns (including a prophecy that Muslims must slay all Jews before he returns)…” Read more:
Progressive Dispensationalism, Reconstitution of Ethnic National Israel, and Acts 3:18
God does not break his promises. Let me repeat this: God does not break his promises. Acts 3:18 says, “But the things God foretold long ago through all the prophets—that his Christ would suffer—he has fulfilled in this way.” (Acts 3:18 emphasis mine) Acts 3:18 provides us a crucial hermeneutical principle for interpreting Old Testament […]
A Reply to Jim Hamilton and Other Historic Premillennialists I appreciated Darrel Bock’s response to Jim Hamilton: Bock: Unnecessarily divisive? Does the discussion of adult versus infant baptism apply in the same way? This is a question that risks saying internal discussion needs to be properly ordered and really does not matter. But these internal discussion are worth airing out because they may […]
Review of Barry Horner’s “Future Israel” by John Battle
Barry E. Horner, Future Israel: Why Christian Anti-Judaism Must Be Challenged (Nashville, Tenn.: B & H Academic, 2007). Pp. 394. Reviewed by John A. Battle. Barry Horner, pastor and author, believes that the conservative Christian church of our day—in particular, the Reformed branch of that church, to which he belongs and with which he is […]
Biblical Evidence for the Reconstitution of the Nation of Israel in the Millennium Kingdom
Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth: In the age when all things are renewed, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you [the twelve disciples] who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (Matt 19:28; cf. Rev 7:1–8) Sometimes the truth […]
Inbox: “Do you think there are two people of God?”
I have time for a brief answer: There is one people of God made up of Jews and Gentiles. And when the Lord returns and rules this world, he will rule over Israel and the Gentile nations (Ezek 36:22–38). The millennial kingdom of God—and this is important—will not be nationless and ethnicless. Those in the […]
The Church of Scotland Against Israel
Four Reasons the Millennial Debate is Especially Important for the Church Today
I do not believe the millennial debate should break fellowship among Christians. Nor do I believe that it should be a first-tier tenet in a church’s statement of faith—i.e. fundamentals to the Christian faith. However, I believe it is a very important doctrine that ranks as a second-tier tenet of faith. Accordingly, it should not […]
William E. Blackstone and the Inception of Zionism
Margaret Thatcher’s Philo-Semitism