At 41:10 Michael Brown begins to correct theological statements on Israel made by John Piper. Sadly, I see Piper’s historical premillennialism blinds him to the biblical truth that God has promised Israel salvation when Jesus returns. God does not nullify his promises.
Holocaust Endorsement
France’s ‘Days of Anger’ The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is not a problem only of the Middle East. Its hatreds migrate. By Ian Tuttle “Without a doubt, Holocaust denial constitutes a special type of insanity. What, then, about Holocaust endorsement? As Jewish leaders in France tell of the rise of a “new anti-Semitism,” French Jews find themselves […]
Israel Is So Unfair. . .
(h.t. Steve Hays)
Blatant Anti-Semitism of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
As a Presbyterian, albeit a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) it grieves me to see headlines like this, from Commentary: Presbyterians Escalate War on Jews. This story follows another, called Presbyterians Declare War on the Jews, and details the Presbyterian Church, USA’s outright embrace of anti-Semitism. Fresh off a closely defeated attempt to join the […]
This is Infiltrating Evangelical Colleges and Churches…
Glad I am not the only one seeing this and concerned about it:
N. T. Wright’s Supersessionism Does Not Square with the Apostle Paul
Here is an excellent piece by Larry Hurtado taking N. T. Wright’s supersessionism to task.
Evangelicals Shunning Israel and Something Else… (h.t. J.R.) This is not unrelated to a similar trend that I see happening in Evangelicalism in recent years: Evangelicals are also shunning talking about the second coming of Jesus. Yes, you heard me right. We expect this in the dead mainline churches. But it is now happening in evangelical—even conservative evangelical—churches. Many are […]
Are the Land Promises to Israel Unconditional? “Scott Volk interviews Dr. Brown today on Thoroughly Jewish Thursday, raising difficult issues about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, discussing difficult verses about Israel and the Church, and taking your Jewish-related questions.”
“Introduction to Messianic Judaism”: An Approach to the Bible and Christianity That Relates to Judaism and Jewish Ethnicity
Lectures on The People, The Land, and the Future of Israel Recently, Chosen People Ministries held a theological conference in New York in order to present a biblical case for the restoration of Israel to the land in a future kingdom. There were a number of speakers addressing a variety of topics. For instance, Darrell Bock spoke on the future of Israel according to […]
Scott Volk and Michael Brown on Replacement Theology Dr. Brown shares excerpts from his newly recorded podcast interviews about the idea that the Church has replaced Israel in God’s plan of redemption, answering Scott’s questions about key verses in this important discussion.