I would take issue with one thing he said at the very end of this video. As many posttribulationists think, he unfortunately fails to recognize the biblical distinction between the Antichrist’s great tribulation and the day of the Lord’s wrath. Other than that I appreciate everything else he said.
VIDEO: The 144,000 Jews in the Book of Revelation Are NOT ‘Jewish Evangelists’
I talked about the pretrib assumption that interprets the 144,000 Jews in Revelation 7 as ‘evangelists.’ They are not. They are sealed by angels to protect them from the impending day of the Lord’s wrath that will soon come upon the world at the opening of the seventh seal. This remnant of Jews will be […]
Covenant Theology Possesses an Incomplete Gospel Story
Covenant Theology flattens out the beautiful story of the Gospel and ends up robbing Christ of his glory. I am namely speaking of their supersessionist theology that says the church (or Christ) has superseded any promises that God made with national Israel before Christ. The church has become the “new Israel.” God is done with […]
“Jews could never follow a non-Jewish Antichrist”
I haven’t really written much on the ethnicity or the religion of the future Antichrist. When I have written on the subject of the Antichrist my energies have been focused on his revelation as it relates to the rapture and the day of the Lord’s wrath. But I want to make a few comments on […]
Jesus, the Kingdom and the Promised Land, a Response to N.T. Wright’s Supersessionism on Israel
In ancient Judaism the kingdom of David/Israel was seen as the material expression of YHWH’s kingdom on earth. What’s more, because of this, both idyllic and restorative conceptions can easily coexist. I assert, therefore, that a more robust understanding of ancient Judaism’s, and likewise early Christianity’s, conception of the kingdom of God should take into […]
VIDEO | Will People Get Saved after the Rapture during the Day of the Lord’s Wrath?
Will people such as Gentiles get saved after the rapture during the day of the Lord’s wrath? And if so will those who are saved experience the day of the Lord’s wrath? I first responded to the pretribulational theological interpretation of this question before I answered with my prewrath response. I also addressed how the […]
Audio Available! Future Israel, Future Millennium – Bible Prophecy Conference
The conference this weekend was such as blessing. God was glorified in the proclamation of his promise of faithfulness to Israel in their future salvation and their future land. God is not a promise-breaker as supersessionism (a.k.a replacement theology) essentially teaches. God’s gifts and calling are irrevocable. Be sure to purchase the conference audio to […]
4 Reasons Why the Millennial Debate is Important – Ep. 53
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/Reasons_Why_the_Millennial_Debate_is_Important_i.e._Why_Premillennial_Theology_Matters.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedPremillennialism teaches that at Jesus’ second coming he will deliver the righteous and judge the ungodly. Then the righteous will enter into a period—the millennium—of peace and righteousness where Jesus establishes on earth his physical reign of all nations—including a restored nation of Israel who recognizes him […]
Interview with Barry Horner on Premillennialism, Israel, and the Rapture – Ep. 52
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/052-An_Interview_with_Barry_Horner_on_Historic_Premillennialism_Israel_and_the_Rapture.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedChris Arzen of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio gave me permission to play this excellent interview he had with Barry Horner on topics such as the premillennialism, future Israel, and the Rapture. Here is a list of all the topics discussed: -What is Historic Premillennialism? -What is the […]
A Reply to Jim McClarty’s Selective Use of Passages to Fit His Unbiblical Construct of a Pretrib Rapture: Matthew 24, Israel, and the Church – Ep. 50
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/050-A_Reply_to_Jim_McClartys_Selective_Use_of_Passages_to_Fit_His_Unbiblical_Construct_of_a_Pretrib_Rapture.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedI continued my response to Jim McClarity’s critique of the prewrath position, in particular his objection that Matthew 24 applies to the church. I addressed the following topics: -The disciples were representatives of the church -The Great Commission’s relation with Matthew 24 -The resurrection/rapture in Matthew 24 […]
Gary DeMar Fails Miserably in His Debate Defending Replacement Theology (aka Supersessionism)
I just listened to the debate between Michael Brown and Gary DeMar on whether the church has replaced Israel. This was one doozy of a lopsided debate. You can download it for free here. Gary DeMar is stuck in 1970 when the The Late, Great Planet Earth was published by Hal Lindsey. I have noticed […]