If you are a dispensationalist, then you may be aware of the natural connection that contemporary dispensational theology has with prewrath eschatology. The following two articles by Charles Cooper explains this clearly. If you are not a dispensationalist, it may be because you associate it with traditional dispensationalism and are not familiar of contemporary (or […]
Why Charles Ryrie’s Concern about Progressive Dispensationalism Was CORRECT! – Ep. 133
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/Why_Charles_Ryries_Concern_about_Progressive_Dispensationalism_Was_CORRECT.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedThe topic today is on the theological system of revised (Ryrie) dispensationlism, which pretribulationists affirm and thus believe that God does not work with Israel and the church at the same time. It maintains a sharp separation between the church and Israel to the point that not […]
Should Israel Be Referred to as ‘Palestine’?
“What’s in a word? Today we welcome Dr. Randall Price to the program to break down an often confusing word that we hear throughout the media, in books, and even in our churches. It’s the word: Palestine. Dr. Price will explain the complexities of the word, its origins, and how we as believers in Jesus […]
The fall of Lucifer
Steve Hays writes, “Two traditional prooftexts for the fall of Lucifer are Isa 14 and Ezk 28. Although Isa 14 isn’t directly about the fall of Lucifer, it employs civil war in heaven imagery. The losers are expelled. The interpretation of Ezk 28 is complicated by ambiguous syntax. A neglected passage is Isa 24:21-22, which […]
The Greek Word Apantēsis (Meeting) Does Not Mean ‘an Immediate Escort’ Back to Earth: A Response to Posttribulationism
“Then we who are alive, who are left, will be suddenly caught up together with them in the clouds to meet [apantēsis] the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.” (1 Thess 4:17) Recently, Michael Brown interacted with Mark Hitchcock on posttrib vs. pretrib. I thought Brown did well […]
EastMed Natural Gas Pipeline and Implications . . . (Video)
In this video, David Rosenthal reveals surprising details of the recently proposed EastMed Natural Gas Pipeline and its possible connection to a future invasion of Israel that was prophesied more than 2,600 years ago. The development of this proposed undersea pipeline may revolutionize the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East and beyond. With Israel’s strategic […]
Responding to Objections of Michael as the Restrainer
(Update: I have no earthly clue why, but the thread at the prewrath rapture view facebook group seems to have been deleted. Evidently, interacting with someone who objects to the Michael-Restrainer interpretation is not acceptable. So my comments below are responding to someone without a source since it has been deleted. Another reason I don’t […]
Responding to Preterism, and a Story about a Well Known Preterist Skipping Over a Verse He Does Not Like (Video)
Ex-preterist theologian Dr. Brock Hollett has authored Debunking Preterism: How Over-Realized Eschatology Misses the Not Yet of Bible Prophecy. Dr. Brock D. Hollett formerly embraced preterism while earning his Master of Divinity at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2000 because the preterist perspective seemed to provide him with coherent arguments regarding the time statements of […]
Witnessing to Jews . . .
One of the sore points in Jewish evangelism is the position that Jews are damned unless they believe in Jesus (i.e. the messianship, deity, and Incarnation of Jesus). Of course, that’s not unique to Judaism. That’s standard exclusivism, which applies to non-Christians generally. And there wouldn’t be much point evangelizing Jews if it didn’t matter […]
Another Jew for Jesus
Jewish scientist Dr. James Tour is one of the top 50 most influential minds in the world who took part in a Nobel Prize. You won’t believe his discovery. h.t. Steve Hays
Pretribulational teachers add ANOTHER dispensation to human history in order to protect imminence theology against prewrath eschatology
All theologians believe the Bible teaches that human history is made up of a variety of dispensations where God works in a special redemptive mode and epoch. What is debated, however, is the number of dispensations and the nature of them. I believe Paul outlines at least four fundamental dispensations (oikonomia) in human history in […]