Many interpreters do not think that Paul has a literal rapture in mind when he spoke about the resurrection in 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18. I want to comment on this. i. Here is a hermeneutic question to ask yourself to determine if metaphoric language is being used: Let’s all assume for the sake of the argument […]
A Response to David Olander on His Misunderstanding of APOSTASIA (Video)
David E. Olander is Professor of Biblical Languages and Theology at Tyndale Theology Seminary. As Professor of Biblical Languages I assumed that he would know better not to commit Greek 101 lexical fallacies. I was wrong. On a single page in the following essay, he commits two basic—but serious—word fallacies: “The Pre-Day of the Lord […]
How NOT to Arrive at Post-Millennialism
I want to respond to my friend Dr. James White—who knows better than to make this claim about biblical interpretation! One never, never should start with theological principles in the practice of interpretation as it will skew one’s theological conclusions. In fact, you don’t want to use them at all in exegesis. Your theology should […]
Dr. Henebury Critiques Covenant Theology
Dr. Paul Martin Henebury has started a series critiquing covenant theology. Deciphering Covenant Theology (Pt.1) Deciphering Covenant Theology (Pt.2)
Mike Stallard on Using the Church/Israel Distinction as a Hermeneutic
Traditional pretribulationists argue that since Daniel’s prophecy (Dan 9:24–27) was given to Israel, the church will not be present on earth when it is fulfilled. Pretribulationists who are progressive dispensational, on the other hand, are not likely to draw this conclusion since they view God working with the church and Israel simultaneously. They do not […]
NEW BOOK – The 70 Weeks Jubilee: Israel, the Messiah, and the End of the Age in Daniel 9:24–27
The 70 Weeks Jubilee: Israel, the Messiah, and the End of the Age in Daniel 9:24–27 by Travis M. Snow Get it on Amazon Learn how the prophetic Jubilee unlocks the deeper meaning of Daniel’s famous 70-weeks prophecy, found in Daniel 9:24-27. The 70 Weeks Jubilee is an in-depth study of this vital prophecy, one […]
Does the Antichrist Possess ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE Authority during His Great Tribulation?
Here is a snippet from the next issue of the magazine. If you are not a subscriber to it or you are not a Ministry Partner, be sure to sign up for either one so you will receive a print issue. This question concerning the Antichrist’s authority has implications for one’s framework of eschatology. Here […]
The Resurrection in Daniel 12:1–3 Does NOT Take Place at the End of the 3.5 Year Period
Renald Showers cites Dan 12:7 to argue that the great tribulation mentioned by Jesus in his Olivet Discourse will last 3.5 years: “Then I heard the man clothed in linen who was over the waters of the river as he raised both his right and left hands to the sky and made an oath by […]
A Prewrath Sermon on the Classic Rapture Passage (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18)
“But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died. For this […]
Preview of the Next Issue of Biblical Prophecy Magazine
The second issue of the Biblical Prophecy Magazine will be released next month! It is published three times a year. Be sure to subscribe to it if you are not already. Eschatos Ministry Partners receive free issues. I am super excited about this issue because there is important original argumentation for the prewrath viewpoint as […]
Conference Video Now Available!
The six video sessions from last weekend’s Bible prophecy conference on The Abomination of Desolation are now available. Here are the instructions: 1) If you signed up for the livestream last weekend then use the same log in as you did for the live stream: go to “E-Store” in the menu and click on “My […]