This is a helpful, brief series by Paul Martin Henebury responding mostly to Greg Beale’s spiritualized eschatology. The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt.1) The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt.2) The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt. 3) The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt.4) h.t. Alf Cengia
Will all the inhabitants of the nations be destroyed at the battle in Rev 19?
Craig A. Blaising writes: [Fowler White] argues that a sequential interpretation of 19:11—20:3 is not logically coherent, that its “credibility. . . suffers considerably” because at the Parousia, Christ will destroy all the in inhabitants of all the nations except the redeemed (“Reexamining the Evidence for Recapitulation in Rev. 20:1–10,” 325). Thus, he concludes, there […]
(VIDEO) What You Need to Know about the New Jerusalem
Doug Hamp gives a lucid biblical theology of the New Jerusalem: its nature, history, purpose, size, shape, location, and its timing of when it descends to earth, before or after the millennium. (Incidentally, toward the end of the video he puts a plug in for his book against Calvinism, which I would not agree with, […]
What Will Be the Size and Nature of the New Jerusalem?
Janet Willis has written What On Earth Is Heaven Like? A Look at God’s City: New Jerusalem. The book not only includes a compelling insight into the size of the New Jerusalem but other details that are quite significant for its theological message. You can watch the book’s trailer below, but be sure to purchase […]
Interview with Barry Horner on Premillennialism, Israel, and the Rapture – Ep. 52
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedChris Arzen of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio gave me permission to play this excellent interview he had with Barry Horner on topics such as the premillennialism, future Israel, and the Rapture. Here is a list of all the topics discussed: -What is Historic Premillennialism? -What is the […]
Ezekiel 16 and Revelation 17: Understanding The Great Prostitute An excerpt: Thus there is the need to break up the love relationship between Jerusalem and her “lovers”, the “nations,” the “kings of the earth.” God changes the love of the “kings of the earth” for Jerusalem to hate (Revelation 17:16). They turn on Jerusalem. It is God’s purpose that they do so (Revelation […]
Answering Objections to Ezekiel’s Temple Sacrifices
A Case for a Literal Temple in Ezekiel 40-48
Ezekiel 38–39 the Post-Millennial Battle
Over the years, I have been asked about my position on Ezekiel 38–39, namely, if it refers to the battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19:11–19, the post-millennial battle at the time when Satan is released from his prison in Revelation 20:7–10, or some other eschatological battle. My position is Ezekiel 38–39 describes the post-millennial battle. […]
Response to Renald Showers on Ezekiel 14:21 — First Four Seals and “Four terrible judgments–sword, famine, wild animals, and plague”
For this is what the sovereign LORD says: How much worse will it be when I send my four terrible judgments–sword, famine, wild animals, and plague–to Jerusalem to kill both people and animals! (Ezek 14:21 NET) Yesterday, on Jimmy DeYoung’s radio show, Prophecy Today, he had pretribulationist Renald Showers on his show for about five […]