(*Send the following article to those who follow J. D. Farag) In the video below at 24:25, pastor J. D. Farag claims that since the Geneva Bible renders the Greek word apostasia as “departure” then that is proof that it is referring to “the rapture.” This is not only wrong on his part but it […]
Church History
What Did the Early Church Fathers Believe about the Rapture? (Audio)
https://bibleprophecytalk.com/bpt-what-did-the-early-church-believe-about-the-rapture/ BPT- What Did the Early Church Believe About the Rapture “In one sense there is no real debate about what the early church fathers believed about the timing of the rapture. However those holding to a pretrib rapture position have offered up various theories concerning the Didache, Pseudo Ephraim and a host of other […]
Advances in Textual Criticism in the Book of Revelation (Video)
Last month I attended the lecture of Dr. Juan Hernández Jr. at Princeton Theological Seminary. He is a professor of biblical studies at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. He delivered a lecture titled “Recovering Revelation’s Forgotten Textual History: Josef Schmid’s Magnum Opus for the Twenty-First Century.” In the last few years there have been […]
The Day of the Lord’s Wrath Begins BEFORE Armageddon
Here is the previous installment in the article series, The Second Coming Does Not Begin with Armageddon: Part 1: “Matthew 24:30–31 Is Not Describing the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19:11–21.” Today, I am posting Part 2 below: The Day of the Lord’s Wrath Begins Before Armageddon Recently, I wrote an article entitled, “Matthew […]
Social Distancing at a Cemetery (Video)
*I forgot my wind filter for my mic, so there are a few points when it is windy, but they are temporary. I explained that the tumult happening right now in society is a type of what will happen during the seventieth week of Daniel, in particular during the beginning of birth pangs and the […]
Public Debate: Preterism vs. Futurism – Tampa, FL, Sept 19
Click here to download the flyer Click here to register Click here to download the flyer Click here to register Dr. Brock D. Hollett vs. Samuel M. Frost Saturday, Sept 19, 2020, 6:00 p.m. Hope Bible Church of Tampa 5706 N. Hesperides Street Tampa, Florida 33614 Thesis: The Abomination of Desolation in Matthew 24:15 Is Future […]
This is the KEY question to ask the person who thinks the Abomination of Desolation in Matthew 24:15 was caused by Titus
How many times have you been told that the abomination of desolation, as well as the great tribulation, in Matthew 24:15–21 is not an event that will be fulfilled in the future? Many times. Most amillennialists and historical premillennialists think that the abomination of desolation in Matt 24:15 was caused by Titus in AD 70. […]
Learn to Sing This Song for the Antichrist’s Great Tribulation [Video]
The true story behind the famous Christian song, “I have decided to follow Jesus.” It tells the story of a family in the Garo tribe from Meghalaya, then called Assam in India, who faced persecution just because of their faith in Jesus Christ. The lyrics are based on the last words of a Garo tribesman. […]
The Meaning of ‘Secret’ in the Pretribulational Rapture Expression ‘the Secret Coming of Christ’
An older expression in pretribulational literature—and can still be used occasionally today—is secret coming or secret rapture. From my exposure to older pretrib and non-pretrib literature, it seemed to be used synonymous with the expressions signless coming or signless rapture, in contrast to an announced coming or announced rapture. Darby attempted to answer objections to his secret […]
The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy: Studies and Expositions of the Messiah in the Old Testament, editors Michael Rydelnik and Edwin Blum (Book Notice)
The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy: Studies and Expositions of the Messiah in the Old Testament, eds. Michael Rydelnik and Edwin Blum Get it at Amazon Editorial Reviews From the Back Cover The ultimate, all-in-one resource on what the Old Testament says about Jesus As Jesus walked […]
Chosen People Ministries 125th Anniversary Gala (Video)