Making new arguments that the New Jerusalem, New Heavens, and New Earth are established at the beginning of the millennium is just the beginning. Willis also shows that John’s New Jerusalem and Ezekiel’s millennial city are identical. And much more in her What on Earth Is Heaven Like?: The New Creation and the New Jerusalem. […]
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Send This Article To Your Amillennial and Postmillennial Friends
Where do you begin engaging the amillennial and postmillennial? Right at the heart of the matter: Does the resurrection occur before or after the millennium? This single page refutes amillennial and postmillennial eschatology because both of their views hang on their interpretation that the resurrection mentioned in Rev 20:4–6 is a “spiritual resurrection” or “regeneration” […]
NEW BOOK on Israel’s Future Is Available
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | Embed [*This is a special program from Bible Prophecy Daily being played today on The Biblical Prophecy Program] Dr. Kurschner announced the release of the new book, The Future Restoration of Israel: A Response to Supersessionism. It was six years in the making and the most extensive […]
The NEW Book Is NOW Available! — #1 New Release on Amazon Kindle in Theology
After six years in the making, I am happy to announce the release of the most extensive book written on the topic of Israel’s Future: The Future Restoration of Israel: A Response to Supersessionism. Written by 20 scholars and co-edited by myself and Stanley Porter. Get it on Amazon or the publisher’s site. It hit #1 […]
Kindle Edition of the New Book Is NOW Available!
The Amazon Kindle and Apple Book editions to the new book are now available: Pretrib: Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Rapture Theology. You can also purchase the paperback and the audiobook editions here. Please leave a review of the book!
The Audiobook Is NOW Available for the New Book! (Unabridged)
Please leave a review at Amazon after you listen or read the book. It helps. Thanks!
My Dissertation Is Published . . .
I am pleased to announce that my dissertation was published in the respected Brill series Linguistic Biblical Studies: A Linguistic Approach to Revelation 19:11—20:6 and the Millennium Binding of Satan. Linguistic Biblical Studies 23 (Leiden: Brill, 2022). If you appreciate Greek and the book of Revelation, then this book is for you. It is arguably […]
New Prewrath Book Announcement! – Ep. 201
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedI am pleased to announce that my new book is NOW available! You can purchase it from Amazon. Here is a description from the back of the book: Does God Work with Israel and the Church at the Same Time? Is There a Connection between the […]
The NEW Book Is NOW Available!
I am pleased to announce that my new book is NOW available! At this time you can purchase it from Amazon. Here is the description: Does God Work with Israel and the Church at the Same Time? Is There a Connection between the Rapture and the Second Coming? In the first part of Pretrib, […]
What Did the Early Church Fathers Teach on the Second Coming? – Ep. 200
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedThis is a dialogue on what the early church taught on the second coming of Jesus. The speakers are Steve Gregg (Preterist), Charles Cooper (Prewrath), and Thomas Ice (Pretribulational). They were each given fifteen minutes to describe their position, followed by questions and interaction. This eschatology dialogue […]
The Eschatos ‘Last’ Trump Is NOT Identified with the Seventh Trumpet in the Book of Revelation
Chris White explains that when Paul mentions the “last trump” in 1 Corinthians 15 he is alluding back to the function of the silver trumpets in Israel’s history and not pointing forward to the seventh trumpet in the book of Revelation. BPT – The Last Trump, The Silver Trumpets, and the Accordion Theory This is […]