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The Meaning and Timing of the New Heaven and the New Earth
https://bibleprophecydaily.com/3717-2/ Janet Willis notes that both the meaning and the timing of the New Heaven and the New Earth of Revelation 21:1 is often debated among scholars. Is it annihilation and recreation of our universe, or does it mean a restoration? Does God promise a permanent planet? And whatever this change is, do we know […]
God’s Wrath Occurs AFTER the Antichrist’s Great Tribulation
THIS Thursday I Am Speaking on the Classic Rapture Passage, 1 Thessalonians 4:13—5:11
Jesus and Fulfillment of the Old Testament: What Does “Fulfillment” in Jesus Really Mean? [VIDEO]
“A detailed look about what it means for Jesus to fulfill the Old Testament and its prophecies. Also discusses what fulfillment in Jesus does not mean. Addresses messianic prophecies and Jesus’ relationship to the Kingdom, biblical covenants, the Day of the Lord, and salvation. This is a topic closely tied to hermeneutics and Bible interpretation.” […]
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