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Satan, Saints, and Swords: 9 Satanic Attempts to Thwart God’s Future Kingdom (VIDEO)
Satan will do anything he can to see to it that God’s future kingdom never becomes a reality. His targets of attack include Israel, the Church, and the Messiah Jesus. Join Dr. Alan Kurschner in this fascinating study titled, “Satan, Saints, and Swords: 9 Satanic Attempts to Thwart God’s Future Kingdom.
Prewrath Bible Study in YOUR Home
Over the last 25 years, I noticed that a lot of people have Bible prophecy studies in their home in the fall. Consider using the following resource that I wrote JUST for this purpose on the prewrath view: Prewrath: A Very Short Introduction to the Great Tribulation, Rapture, and Day of the Lord [Paperback] Invite […]
Bible Study on the Future Throne of David (Sept 15, Wisconsin)
If you live near Chetek, Wisconsin, you are welcome to join our local Bible studies and fellowship. We meet 1-2 times a month. Sign up for updates. Join us Sept 15 in Chetek, WI. PDF Davidic King Messianic Fellowship
Davidic King Messianic Fellowship (WISCONSIN)
If you live near Chetek, Wisconsin, you are welcome to join our local Bible studies and fellowship. We meet 1-2 times a month. Sign up for updates. PDF Davidic King Messianic Fellowship
Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up? (VIDEO)
2 Parts with Dr. Will Varner.
Ryan Habbena: The Seed Promise
Ryan Habbena walks us through the seed promise, from the curse on the serpent following the Fall in Genesis to the ultimate victory in Revelation.
The Rapture (Video)
Compelling Evidence for a Late Date of the Book of Revelation with Peter Goeman
“In this fascinating episode, we delve into the details inside the book of Revelation that support a late date for its writing, challenging the preterist interpretation that ties its events to AD 70. We’ll explore internal and external evidences, including the conditions of the seven churches, historical context, and testimonies from early church figures. Discover […]
JOHN RICH Explains to Tucker Carlson that the Rapture Is NOT Pretrib (Video)
And he explains to Tucker that the Church will encounter the Antichrist. He read from 2 Thessalonians 2 and Matthew 24 Millions of Christians and unbelievers heard this message today.
The Facts and Flaws of Covenant Theology (Part 2)
“Have you ever heard of Covenant Theology? It’s a prevalent perspective in today’s church, but did you know it teaches that God has replaced Israel with the church? Join us in this illuminating two-part FOI Equip class, where Dr. Mike Stallard, vice president of International Ministries, will unpack the intricacies of Covenant Theology and present […]