Many interpreters claim that the references in the book of Revelation in Chapter 20 to the one thousand year millennium is figurative because (1) other references to numbers in the book of Revelation are figurative, and (2) the book of Revelation is full of figurative language. I would disagree with (1) because there are good […]
Biblical Studies
Pretribulational teachers add ANOTHER dispensation to human history in order to protect imminence theology against prewrath eschatology
All theologians believe the Bible teaches that human history is made up of a variety of dispensations where God works in a special redemptive mode and epoch. What is debated, however, is the number of dispensations and the nature of them. I believe Paul outlines at least four fundamental dispensations (oikonomia) in human history in […]
Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics
The Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics is a group of traditional dispensationalists made up of mostly pretribulationists, some I have interacted with on the blog. Even though I think they are wrong-headed on pretribulational theology, there are other points that I believe we can learn from them on, for example, the question of Israel’s future, premillennialism, […]
Megiddo, Israel with Dr. Randall Price (Video)
“Also known as Armageddon, el-Lejjun, Tel el-Mutesellium, Tell el-Mutesellim, Tel Megiddo, Campus Legionis, Har Megiddo, Har-Megeddon, Harmagedon, Isar-Megiddo, Legio, Lejjun, Megiddon From the earliest historical records of the area (Thutmose III) to the future (Revelation 16), Megiddo assumes a prominent role. This is largely owing to its strategic location astride the Megiddo Pass (Wadi Ara) […]
Amazing Drone Footage of the REAL Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia. . . (Video)
“Travel from the Red Sea to the TRUE mountain of God- Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia [Jabal al-Lawz], discovered by Ron Wyatt. This is a breathtaking journey, accompanied by the magnificent music of Kirk and Deby Dearman ( http/ ) who graciously gave us permission to use their music. A “” exclusive!”
How Do We Know that the Events of the Great Tribulation Begin at Matt 24:9 and Not 24:15?
I am asked if the events in Matt 24:9–14 portray events throughout church history or during the future seven-year period. “Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and will kill you. You will be hated by all the nations because of my name. Then many will be led into sin, and they will […]
Any Discussion on Who Is the Restrainer in 2 Thess 2 Must Contend with—Not Ignore—Colin Nicholl’s Research
Recently, there have been radio programs discussing the referent to the apostle Paul’s mention of a “restrainer.” What is baffling is that these programs have completely ignored Colin Nicholl’s research on the evidence of Michael being the Restrainer. Scholars in the last ten years who have been writing commentaries and other monographs have of course […]
Helpful Commentaries on the Gospel of Matthew (e.g. the Olivet Discourse)
Yesterday, I wrote up an article explaining why I cannot recommend any commentaries on the Gospel of Matthew on the Olivet Discourse in Matt 24–25. That being said, I mentioned that I have benefited from commentaries, in this case with respect to Matthew 24–25. (Commentaries are not my first resource I consult. I first interpret […]
Issues of Interpretation and Commentary on Matthew 24–25 – Jesus’s Olivet Discourse
I am asked frequently if I can recommend a commentary on Matthew’s Olivet Discourse. The problem is that (1) many commentaries on Matthew, in particular chapters 24–25, come from a historicist view, an interpretation that skews Matthew’s message and consequently distorts the application for the church today; (2) some commentaries come from a preterist view and/or […]
The ‘Lost Tribes of Israel’ and the 144,000 in Revelation 7:1–8 (Video)
In the 1800s there were theologians who mocked the notion that Israel would one day be gathered and become a nation again. This presupposition of limiting God led to them spiritualizing many Bible prophecy passages in the Bible. These same type of replacement theologians today view the passage of the Israelite 144,000 in Revelation 7:1–8 […]
Revelation 19 Does NOT Depict the Start of the Second Coming (Video)
As many are aware prewrath eschatology teaches that the second coming (parousia) of Jesus begins—not in Rev 19— but rather between the opening of the sixth and seventh seals in Rev 7 with the rapture and resurrection occurring with the innumerable multitude of believers appearing in heaven out of the period of the great tribulation. […]