Six years ago, I did a six-part series responding to John F. Hart’s (and other pretrib teachers’) unfounded and strained interpretation that the parousia in Matt 24:36–44 is a completely different parousia than the one depicted in Matt 24:27, 30–31. I am re-posting my series below. Incidentally, during these six years I have never received […]
Biblical Studies
Craig Blaising on Premillennialism in a nutshell
Christ comes in 19:11 and judges the nations who fornicated with Babylon, who consolidated their loyalty with the beast, and who gathered to war against Christ. He casts the beast and false prophet into the lake of fire. He imprisons the devil. He raises the martyrs murdered by Babylon and the beast. He and his […]
Will all the inhabitants of the nations be destroyed at the battle in Rev 19?
Craig A. Blaising writes: [Fowler White] argues that a sequential interpretation of 19:11—20:3 is not logically coherent, that its “credibility. . . suffers considerably” because at the Parousia, Christ will destroy all the in inhabitants of all the nations except the redeemed (“Reexamining the Evidence for Recapitulation in Rev. 20:1–10,” 325). Thus, he concludes, there […]
The Olivet Discourse Is about the DELAY of Jesus’s Coming, Not His Nearness – Ep. 125
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedThe Olivet Discourse is about the delay of Jesus’s Coming, not his nearness. Many interpreters miss this main point. Further, there is the question of what is Jesus trying to teach with his delay of his parousia? Jesus teaches that we will know the season of his […]
The Day of the Lord’s Wrath Does Not Begin BEFORE or DURING the Sixth Seal (Rev 6:17)
“because the great day of their wrath has come [ēlthen], and who is able to withstand it?” (Rev 6:17) Many interpreters assume that the English rendering “has come” in Rev 6:17 refers to either past or present tense referring to God’s wrath. I have explained before that the context—Greek verbs do not indicate temporal reference—determines […]
What Is the Millennial Debate Really About? – Ep. 122
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedWhat is the millennial debate is not about, and what it is about? Many interpreters frame the wrong question when they engage the millennial debate. I talked about how we got chapter breaks and how to avoid them, especially the Revelation 20 chapter break. This helped to […]
A good point concerning a gap between the 69th week and 70th week of Daniel. . .
“This blog [post] is a section from a paper I delivered at the Pre-Trib Study Group a couple of years ago. I am responding to Sam Storms’ book Kingdom Come in the paper but in this particular section, I am giving a response to his claim that dispensationalists are simply forcing their preconceived view onto […]
5 Reasons Why ‘Armageddon’ (Har-magedon) Refers to the Mount of Megiddo
The sixth bowl states, Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and dried up its water to prepare the way for the kings from the east. Then I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of […]
Models of Premillennialism (Book Notice)
Models of Premillennialism by Sung Wook Chung and David Mathewson Purchase the book on kindle or paperback The meaning of “the millennium”–the thousand-year reign of Christ spoken of in Revelation 20–has been controversial for much of the church’s history, and even the main perspectives on the matter turn out to be more variegated than […]
Answering a Common Amillennial Objection to Premillennialism on When Death Is Eliminated in Relation to the Millennium
Leaving aside the question of the timing of the millennium for this article, though it is related to this issue here, amillennialists, such as Sam Storms, adduce a common objection against premillennialism. He and other amillennialists cite 1 Cor 15:25–26 as evidence for amillennialism: “For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under […]