Steve Hays writes, “Two traditional prooftexts for the fall of Lucifer are Isa 14 and Ezk 28. Although Isa 14 isn’t directly about the fall of Lucifer, it employs civil war in heaven imagery. The losers are expelled. The interpretation of Ezk 28 is complicated by ambiguous syntax. A neglected passage is Isa 24:21-22, which […]
Biblical Studies
A Response to the Criteria for Pretribulation Imminence – Ep. 132
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedIn this episode I responded to the flawed nature of four criteria that pretribulation interpreters use to determine if a Scriptural passage teaches imminence. Wayne A. Brindle gives four general criteria that have been used to establish imminence theology in pretribulation literature.[1] Incidentally, Brindle does not give […]
A Response to the Criteria for Pretribulation Imminence (Pt. 4 of 4)
(Here is Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) Finally, Wayne Brindle states in his fourth criterion for pretrib imminence: The passage speaks of Christ’s return as giving hope without relating it to God’s judgment of unbelievers.[1] This last criterion that pretribulationists use to argue for imminence is not only odd but simply mistaken. It is […]
A Response to the Criteria for Pretribulation Imminence (Pt. 3 of 4)
(Here is Part 1, Part 2) Next, Wayne Brindle states in his third criterion for pretrib imminence: The passage speaks of Christ’s return as something that gives believers hope and encouragement, without indicating that these believers will suffer tribulation.[1] Brindle’s third criterion indicates that the pretribulation notion of hope of Christ’s return is that Christians […]
A Response to the Criteria for Pretribulation Imminence (Pt. 2 of 4)
(Here is Part 1) The second criterion that pretribulationists operate from is: The passage speaks of Christ’s return as ‘near,’ without stating any signs that must precede His coming.[1] This is another form of circular reasoning that we saw in the first criterion. Brindle assumes that when an author mentions that Christ’s return is near, […]
A Response to Spiritualized Eschatology on the ‘Cosmic Temple’
This is a helpful, brief series by Paul Martin Henebury responding mostly to Greg Beale’s spiritualized eschatology. The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt.1) The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt.2) The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt. 3) The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt.4) h.t. Alf Cengia
Mount Sinai in Arabia by Joel Richardson (Book Notice)
Mount Sinai in Arabia by Joel Richardson Purchase his book in paperback Mount Sinai in Arabia presents a clear case in laymen’s terms for the true location of Mount Sinai. Mount Sinai is the very place where God’s presence was revealed in “a blazing fire” (Hebrews 12:18). This is the mountain where Elijah fled […]
James on the DELAY of Jesus’s Second Coming (Parousia) – Ep. 127
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedJames contains a key passage on the delay of Jesus’s second coming and how to live in light of it. He received his teaching from the oral tradition of Jesus’s instruction of the Olivet Discourse, since there are several direct links with it. James’s teaching on the […]
God will protect our soul IN the world, not FROM the world, during the Antichrist’s great tribulation
One of the most common reasons Christians are embracing the prewrath position is because of the distinction that is made between the Antichrist’s great tribulation and the day of the Lord’s wrath. Christians will be removed (raptured) from the latter but not the former. This point has caused the light bulb to go off in […]
The OTHER Unforgivable Sin Mentioned in the Bible . . .
Here is the unforgivable sin that is mentioned in the Bible: “I tell you the truth, people will be forgiven for all sins, even all the blasphemies they utter. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin” (because they said, ‘He has an unclean spirit’).” […]
If the Olivet Discourse Is Not a Church Teaching, Then Why Did Paul Link 30 Ties from It for His Own Thessalonian Church Instruction?
If the Olivet Discourse Is Not a Church Teaching, Then Why Did Paul Link 30 Ties from It for His Own Thessalonian Church Instruction? For more charts, click here…