A person recently objected to my premillennialism by asserting: The problem (one of them) with premill as I see it, is that the clear NT passages appear to teach unequivocally that when Jesus returns, there is the last judgement and then the final new heavens and the new earth. The problem with this objection is […]
Book of Revelation, Hermeneutics, Symbolism, Amillennialism, and Premillennialism
Even though Steve Hays is an amillennialist, in this article he does challenge his amill friends not to assume everything in the book of Revelation is symbolic without any corresponding real event. I would be more on the spectrum of specific events than “kinds” of events; nevertheless, it is encouraging to see Hays move in […]
When Does the Binding of Satan’s Thousand Years Begin? – Revelation 19:11–20:3 Supports Premillennialism, not Amillennialism – Ep. 3
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed
http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/003-Revelation_20.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedI talked about what the millennial debate is not about, and what it is about. Many interpreters frame the wrong question when they engage the millennial debate. This allowed me to introduce the most fundamental principle of interpreting the Bible, which is to ignore chapter breaks. I […]
Coming Up on Wednesday’s Program: Premillennialism Vs. Amillennialism
AlanKurschner.com/3 Coming up on Wednesday’s The Biblical Prophecy Program™, I will be making two points. What the millennial debate is not about and what it is about. Many interpreters frame the wrong question when they engage the millennial debate. This will introduce us to the most fundamental principle of interpreting the Bible. The answer may […]
A Quick Update on the Seminar…
The Bible prophecy seminar in Minnesota today was enjoyable! I gave sober, substantive presentations on key issues surrounding the Lord’s second coming. The attendees received it well and told me during and after the seminar that it was clear and persuasive. I also heard the not uncommon lament from many that this vital truth is […]
Practical Premillennial Points…
The first article, I explain what the millennial debate is about—and what it is not about! I also talk about the binding of Satan issue and how it contradicts amillennialism. https://www.alankurschner.com/2012/03/04/against-amillennialism-on-the-freedom-and-binding-of-satan-in-revelation-202-3-compared-with-revelation-129/ The next article I urge that you never allow an amillennialist to begin the debate at Revelation 20:1. Never! https://www.alankurschner.com/2011/12/04/premillennial-nuggets-a-plea-to-amillennialists-to-read-revelation-201-6-in-context/ In this third article, […]
Scott Volk and Michael Brown on Replacement Theology
http://www.lineoffireradio.com/2013/04/04/dr-brown-talks-with-scott-volk-about-replacement-theology-and-wrong-theological-concepts/ Dr. Brown shares excerpts from his newly recorded podcast interviews about the idea that the Church has replaced Israel in God’s plan of redemption, answering Scott’s questions about key verses in this important discussion.
Progressive Dispensationalism, Reconstitution of Ethnic National Israel, and Acts 3:18
God does not break his promises. Let me repeat this: God does not break his promises. Acts 3:18 says, “But the things God foretold long ago through all the prophets—that his Christ would suffer—he has fulfilled in this way.” (Acts 3:18 emphasis mine) Acts 3:18 provides us a crucial hermeneutical principle for interpreting Old Testament […]
Review of Barry Horner’s “Future Israel” by John Battle
Barry E. Horner, Future Israel: Why Christian Anti-Judaism Must Be Challenged (Nashville, Tenn.: B & H Academic, 2007). Pp. 394. Reviewed by John A. Battle. Barry Horner, pastor and author, believes that the conservative Christian church of our day—in particular, the Reformed branch of that church, to which he belongs and with which he is […]
Sneak Preview of Richardson’s Upcoming Film
Joel Richardson has posted some teaser clips of his upcoming film, Revolution: Israel, Islam and the Gospel at the End of the Age. One of the clips I want to highlight is of Walter Kaiser, who is my former president of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is a staunch supporter of premillennialism—and he believes that prewrath […]
Why The Present Church Age is Not the Millennium: The Devil is on the Loose, Not Fettered
“Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). We need to be aware that the devil is a force to be reckoned with—otherwise, why would James give us this warning to resist the devil? This command to resist the devil requires that the devil is loose. It makes no sense to resist […]