The following comments from J. Webb Mealy is what I consider to be the most significant problem—contradiction—in all of amillennial theology. It is simply irreconcilable within their theological system. Every premillennial person should learn this point of contradiction well and be able to challenge amillennialists with it. “[Amillennialism believes since] Satan’s release from prison and […]
What’s Wrong with Preterism?
Dr Michael Brown speaks with Brock Hollett about his new book Debunking Preterism. You can hear the discussion here. Ex-preterist theologian Dr. Brock Hollett has authored Debunking Preterism: How Over-Realized Eschatology Misses the Not Yet of Bible Prophecy. Dr. Brock D. Hollett formerly embraced preterism while earning his Master of Divinity at Midwestern Baptist Theological […]
A simple question for those who insist that the wicked are ‘taken’ in Matt 24
There are some who continue to insist—rather than provide exegetical evidence—that the wicked in Matt 24 are “taken,” not left behind. My simple question to them is this: Since the parables and illustrations in Matthew 24–25 are intended to illustrate the separation event at the parousia in Matt 24:31, does “gather his elect” sound like […]
Those Left Behind in Matt 24 Are the Wicked for Judgment – NOT the Righteous
I see a lot of posttribs, amillennialists, and historical premillennialists who claim that those who are left behind in Matt 24 are actually the righteous who are delivered, and those who are taken are the wicked for judgment. This is backwards. Those who argue this way typically do not actually support their view from the […]
The ‘Lost Tribes of Israel’ and the 144,000 in Revelation 7:1–8 (Video)
In the 1800s there were theologians who mocked the notion that Israel would one day be gathered and become a nation again. This presupposition of limiting God led to them spiritualizing many Bible prophecy passages in the Bible. These same type of replacement theologians today view the passage of the Israelite 144,000 in Revelation 7:1–8 […]
‘How could God have explained [the land promise] any more clearly?’
Recently, I posted a debate on replacement theology between Michael Brown and Munther Isaac with Gary Burge as the moderator. There was one exchange in the debate toward the end that is worth the price of the debate. Michael Brown asked a very honest and direct question on the land promise that goes to the […]
Revelation 19 Does NOT Depict the Start of the Second Coming (Video)
As many are aware prewrath eschatology teaches that the second coming (parousia) of Jesus begins—not in Rev 19— but rather between the opening of the sixth and seventh seals in Rev 7 with the rapture and resurrection occurring with the innumerable multitude of believers appearing in heaven out of the period of the great tribulation. […]
SIGN The Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem
This week I signed The Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem. I signed the Statement because: “The Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem is an organization dedicated to facilitating a better public understanding of the complexities of the Middle East including its roots in history and the Bible. The group, which is comprised of key faith […]
Eternal Israel: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Studies that Uphold the Eternal, Distinctive Destiny of Israel (Book Notice)
Eternal Israel: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Studies that Uphold the Eternal, Distinctive Destiny of Israel by Barry Horner In Eternal Israel author Barry Horner presents a variety of biblical, theological, and historical studies that argue for the distinctive, eternal destiny of Israel. Like Horner’s 2004 work Future Israel, […]
A BIG Difficulty in the Plot Line within the Amillennial Narrative in the Book of Revelation
Robert W. Wall writes: W. Hendricksen locates Satan’s imprisonment between the two advents of Christ, when the church is able to evangelize the nations with complete freedom (Conquerors, pp. 185–90). This interpretation draws upon elements of Revelation 12–13, where Satan is unable to destroy the church. Further, it corresponds well to the subsequent vision of […]
Satan’s Present Activity Does Not Describe Revelation 20:1–3 | Grant Osborne’s Revelation Commentary
Grant R. Osborne. Revelation. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002 Osborn’s commentary on Revelation is a helpful commentary to own since he interprets from a premillennial and futurist approach. His Arminianism, however, is evident and ends up skewing some of his interpretations, and his Posttribulationist beliefs are misguided. Despite […]