There are similarities between Ezekiel and John’s descriptions of the new city. However, many interpreters believe they conflict on the issue of the measurements of the size of the new city. Janet Willis has shown with clarity in her What On Earth Is Heaven Like? A Look at God’s City: New Jerusalem that interpreters have […]
Does the Appearing (Epiphaneia) of Christ Occur Seven Years After the Pretrib Rapture?
Yesterday, I critiqued the pretribulation belief that claims the revelation (apokalypsis) of Christ will occur, not at the rapture, but when Jesus comes “with his saints” for the battle of Armageddon. Similarly, pretribulationists make the same claim about the appearing of Christ, that it will not take place at the rapture but at the end […]
Is an ‘Imminent Rapture’ a Sanctifying Agent?
Answer: First, the Bible never teaches an imminent return of Jesus, let alone that God uses it to sanctify believers. Imminent death, yes, but not an imminent rapture. Second, Jesus in his Olivet Discourse teaches quite the opposite. He teaches that because his return is delayed with intervening events, he warned of the temptation for […]
What Event Will Happen BETWEEN the Resurrection and the Rapture? – Ep. 143
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedWhen Jesus returns in the clouds at his second coming (parousia), the resurrection of the dead in Christ will take place first. They will be walking on the earth among mortals as a witness to God’s power and glory. After this those alive in Christ will receive […]
Virtue Signaling Pretribbers
Pop pretribbers are often heard invoking the virtuous platitude, “I’m not looking for the Antichrist, I’m looking for Jesus Christ.” It is intended to convey that pretribs are “truly” watchful for Jesus’s return because they think they will not have to first encounter the Antichrist before the rapture. This cutesy slogan sounds pious and virtuous, […]
The fall of Lucifer
Steve Hays writes, “Two traditional prooftexts for the fall of Lucifer are Isa 14 and Ezk 28. Although Isa 14 isn’t directly about the fall of Lucifer, it employs civil war in heaven imagery. The losers are expelled. The interpretation of Ezk 28 is complicated by ambiguous syntax. A neglected passage is Isa 24:21-22, which […]
To Live Wisely, Consider Your Mortality (Video)
6 Reasons Why You Will NOT Take the Beast’s Mark
1. You trust God’s teaching that suffering, persecution, and martyrdom are temporary, while the life beyond this one will be eternal with Christ. You love Christ more than your earthly possessions and your physical life. 2. You possess the Spirit of discernment that will enable you to discern the deception of Satan and the beast’s […]
6 Reasons Why You WILL Take the Beast’s Mark
1. You will fear the person who can kill your physical life more than the person who can kill your soul. 2. You will not possess the Spirit of discernment and consequently be deceived by Satan and the beast’s system. 3. You were taught all your life that you would not be here when the […]
The OTHER Unforgivable Sin Mentioned in the Bible . . .
Here is the unforgivable sin that is mentioned in the Bible: “I tell you the truth, people will be forgiven for all sins, even all the blasphemies they utter. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin” (because they said, ‘He has an unclean spirit’).” […]
Craig Blaising on Premillennialism in a nutshell
Christ comes in 19:11 and judges the nations who fornicated with Babylon, who consolidated their loyalty with the beast, and who gathered to war against Christ. He casts the beast and false prophet into the lake of fire. He imprisons the devil. He raises the martyrs murdered by Babylon and the beast. He and his […]