“Then we who are alive, who are left, will be suddenly caught up together with them in the clouds to meet [apantēsis] the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.” (1 Thess 4:17) Recently, Michael Brown interacted with Mark Hitchcock on posttrib vs. pretrib. I thought Brown did well […]
Pretrib pastor says he ‘would go literally insane’ if it were not for the imminent, pretrib rapture . . . (Video)
Pretrib Pastor J. D. Farag talking with Jan Markell and Amir Tsarfati said, “This is not hyperbole. If it were not for the blessed hope of the soon return of Jesus Christ in the [imminent, pretrib] rapture…I would go literally insane. I would lose my mind. [Amir Tsarfati interjects and says, “I wouldn’t live.”] I […]
A Response to the Criteria for Pretribulation Imminence – Ep. 132
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/A_Response_to_the_Criteria_for_Pretribulation_Imminence_-_Ep._132.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedIn this episode I responded to the flawed nature of four criteria that pretribulation interpreters use to determine if a Scriptural passage teaches imminence. Wayne A. Brindle gives four general criteria that have been used to establish imminence theology in pretribulation literature.[1] Incidentally, Brindle does not give […]
A Response to the Criteria for Pretribulation Imminence (Pt. 4 of 4)
(Here is Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) Finally, Wayne Brindle states in his fourth criterion for pretrib imminence: The passage speaks of Christ’s return as giving hope without relating it to God’s judgment of unbelievers.[1] This last criterion that pretribulationists use to argue for imminence is not only odd but simply mistaken. It is […]
A Response to the Criteria for Pretribulation Imminence (Pt. 3 of 4)
(Here is Part 1, Part 2) Next, Wayne Brindle states in his third criterion for pretrib imminence: The passage speaks of Christ’s return as something that gives believers hope and encouragement, without indicating that these believers will suffer tribulation.[1] Brindle’s third criterion indicates that the pretribulation notion of hope of Christ’s return is that Christians […]
A Response to the Criteria for Pretribulation Imminence (Pt. 2 of 4)
(Here is Part 1) The second criterion that pretribulationists operate from is: The passage speaks of Christ’s return as ‘near,’ without stating any signs that must precede His coming.[1] This is another form of circular reasoning that we saw in the first criterion. Brindle assumes that when an author mentions that Christ’s return is near, […]
A Response to the Criteria for Pretribulation Imminence (Pt. 1 of 4)
I will address the interpretive criteria that pretrib interpreters have used in order to determine whether a biblical passage teaches imminence. Wayne A. Brindle gives four general criteria that have been used to establish imminence theology in pretribulation literature.[1] Incidentally, Brindle does not give any explanations for his four criteria for imminence. This is a […]
Is the Meaning of Harpagēsometha in 1 Thess 4:17 ‘Rapture’ or ‘Plunder’? Part 6 – Ep. 131
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http://traffic.libsyn.com/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/Is_the_Meaning_of_Harpagesometha_in_1_Thess_417_Rapture_or_Plunder__Part_6_-_Ep._131.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedIn this episode I critiqued more of Chris Steinle’s denial of the rapture event. He reads other contextual notions back into Paul’s teaching in 1 Thessalonians 4, attempting to make Paul say that God’s people will be “plundered” not raptured. I explain what he means by this […]
EastMed Natural Gas Pipeline and Implications . . . (Video)
In this video, David Rosenthal reveals surprising details of the recently proposed EastMed Natural Gas Pipeline and its possible connection to a future invasion of Israel that was prophesied more than 2,600 years ago. The development of this proposed undersea pipeline may revolutionize the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East and beyond. With Israel’s strategic […]
To Live Wisely, Consider Your Mortality (Video)
A Response to Spiritualized Eschatology on the ‘Cosmic Temple’
This is a helpful, brief series by Paul Martin Henebury responding mostly to Greg Beale’s spiritualized eschatology. The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt.1) The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt.2) The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt. 3) The Cosmic Temple and Spiritualized Eschatology (Pt.4) h.t. Alf Cengia