There are at least 20 different posttrib interpretations on the seals, trumpets, and bowls in Revelation. In the article below, I give only one representative posttrib interpretation in order to explain that they do not view the seals, trumpets, and bowls occurring consecutively. In my exposure to posttrib over the decades I have found that […]
A Response to THE MOST COMMON Argument for Pretribulation Dispensationalism (Daniel 9:24–27) – Ep. 134
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedWhere does pretribulationism get the belief that God does not work with Israel and the church at the same time? To answer this question, we must turn to one of the most important and fundamental prophecies recorded in the Bible, which is found in the book of […]
Why you can’t believe rape is wrong if you don’t believe abortion is wrong (Video) . . .
. . . and you can’t believe abortion is wrong if you don’t have an objective, universal, moral standard (i.e. God’s law).
Why Dispensationalists Are Embracing Prewrath Eschatology . . .
If you are a dispensationalist, then you may be aware of the natural connection that contemporary dispensational theology has with prewrath eschatology. The following two articles by Charles Cooper explains this clearly. If you are not a dispensationalist, it may be because you associate it with traditional dispensationalism and are not familiar of contemporary (or […]
Why Charles Ryrie’s Concern about Progressive Dispensationalism Was CORRECT! – Ep. 133
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedThe topic today is on the theological system of revised (Ryrie) dispensationlism, which pretribulationists affirm and thus believe that God does not work with Israel and the church at the same time. It maintains a sharp separation between the church and Israel to the point that not […]
Jesus’s Return Was Not Imminent During Peter’s LONG Life
Source (Update: I have been informed that further down the comments thread in the original fb page above, Dave James recognized that Jesus’s prophecy in John 21 was an issue that needed to be considered). John 21:18–19 states: “I tell you the solemn truth, when you were young, you tied your clothes around you […]
Paper Notice: ETS Annual Meeting – San Diego, CA, November 20–22
I was pleased to find out recently that my paper was accepted for the 2019 Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, November 20–22. Here is the title and abstract of the paper. Semantic Boundary Markers in Rev 12:1—15:4 and Structural Implications This paper analyzes Rev 12:1—15:4, which is a neglected section in […]
Should Israel Be Referred to as ‘Palestine’?
“What’s in a word? Today we welcome Dr. Randall Price to the program to break down an often confusing word that we hear throughout the media, in books, and even in our churches. It’s the word: Palestine. Dr. Price will explain the complexities of the word, its origins, and how we as believers in Jesus […]
A Message in the Book of Revelation
Many avoid reading the Book of Revelation, not because they do not know what it means, but for the reason they know what it means—the cost of allegiance to Christ even to death.
Still waiting for a Posttribber to Respond to Prewrath Eschatology . . . Crickets
Every so often I post my list of responses to posttribulation theology. So below is the link to my compendium of responses. While prewrath shares some affinity with posttrib there are significant differences. For example: 1. Prewrath does not believe that the second coming will be an instantaneous or single-day (simple) event. Rather, it will […]
The fall of Lucifer
Steve Hays writes, “Two traditional prooftexts for the fall of Lucifer are Isa 14 and Ezk 28. Although Isa 14 isn’t directly about the fall of Lucifer, it employs civil war in heaven imagery. The losers are expelled. The interpretation of Ezk 28 is complicated by ambiguous syntax. A neglected passage is Isa 24:21-22, which […]