Joel 2:30–31 “I will produce portents both in the sky and on the earth– blood, fire, and columns of smoke. The sunlight will be turned to darkness and the moon to the color of blood, before the day of the LORD comes– that great and terrible day!” Isa 13:6–13 “Wail, for the LORD’s day […]
God Works With Israel and the Church Simultaneously in the PRESENT – Ep. 136
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedGod works with Israel at this present time during the church age. I considered two significant activities that God is doing with Israel during the church age to prepare them for salvation. Making Israel Jealous and Saving a Remnant In Rom 9–11, the apostle Paul articulates his […]
Failed Recall or Ignorance?
Source Since [the church] had no part in the first sixty-nine weeks, which are related only to God’s program for Israel, it can have no part in the seventieth week, which is again related to God’s program for Israel after the mystery program for the church has been concluded. J. Dwight Pentecost, Things to Come, […]
A Response to the Pretribulationism and Dispensationalism of James C. Morris in Light of His Abuse of the Early Church Fathers
First, I must say, when you write me through the contact page, it is best to give a salutation and signature to your email, otherwise I typically do not even read emails that do not contain these basic and respectful elements to a letter. I receive scores of emails (many that are “drive-byes” with an […]
Irenaeus Taught that the Church Would Face the Antichrist
Source I want to respond to pretribber John Hart’s misrepresentation of Irenaeus, taking a snippet of Irenaeus out of context and making it sound like he is teaching a pretrib rapture. Nothing could be further from the truth for three contextual reasons. First In Hart’s proof text, I noticed that he conveniently omits the very […]
Minnesota Bible Prophecy Conference 2019 – July 13
Click Here to Download the Conference Flyer Choose Option Individual $30.00 USDMarried Couple $55.00 USD
A Response to Ken Johnson’s Abuse of Reading His Pretribulation Rapture Back into the Early Church Writers (Video)
Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers interviewed Ken Johnson on his show this week. The program is an exercise of wishful thinking claiming that the early church writers were “pretribulationists” (see the video below). Anyone with a modicum of knowledge of what the early church writers taught on this issue understands that they taught that the […]
Moving the Goalposts on Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy
Today I did an episode demonstrating that God has worked with Israel and the church simultaneously in the past. I described three prophecies that were given to Israel, and about Israel, that have been fulfilled in the past during the church age. The point of this was two-fold: (1) to demonstrate that God does indeed […]
Three Old Covenant Dispensation Prophecies Fulfilled DURING the Church Dispensation – Ep. 135
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Play in new window | Download | EmbedGod has worked with Israel and the church simultaneously in the past. I described three prophecies that were given to Israel, and about Israel, that have been fulfilled in the past during the church age. The point of this was two-fold: (1) to demonstrate that God does […]
In season and out of season
I went for a stroll this morning in a state park in North Jersey (literally on the NJ/NY border, not too far from where I live). There was nobody there, complete silence, only the birds. I soaked in the invigorating solitude. After the stroll before I drove home, I figured I would go for a country jaunt […]