It is a deep-seated assumption among many pretrib and posttrib interpreters that the Second Coming begins with the battle of Armageddon. For example, they identify Matt 24:30–31 as the same setting as Rev 19:11–21. But this is not correct. Three events associated with the Second Coming will occur before the battle of Armageddon: (1) the […]
God’s Kingdom Occurs BEFORE Armageddon
Here are previous installments in the four-part article series, The Second Coming Does Not Begin with Armageddon: Part 1: “Matthew 24:30–31 Is Not Describing the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19:11–21″ Part 2: “The Day of the Lord’s Wrath Begins Before Armageddon” Part 3: “The Resurrection Occurs Before Armageddon” Today, I am posting Part 4 […]
Repent, for the End Is Nigh (Video)
The Resurrection Occurs BEFORE Armageddon
Here are previous installments in the four-part article series, The Second Coming Does Not Begin with Armageddon: Part 1: “Matthew 24:30–31 Is Not Describing the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19:11–21.” Part 2: “The Day of the Lord’s Wrath Begins Before Armageddon” Today, I am posting Part 3 below: The Resurrection Occurs Before Armageddon […]
The Day of the Lord’s Wrath Begins BEFORE Armageddon
Here is the previous installment in the article series, The Second Coming Does Not Begin with Armageddon: Part 1: “Matthew 24:30–31 Is Not Describing the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19:11–21.” Today, I am posting Part 2 below: The Day of the Lord’s Wrath Begins Before Armageddon Recently, I wrote an article entitled, “Matthew […]
‘Come FOR His Saints . . . Come WITH His Saints’
‘Come for His Saints . . . Come with His Saints’ While posttribulationism wrongly believes that the rapture and the second coming denote the same event, pretribulationism commits the opposite error by separating the events. Pretribulationism claims that the rapture occurs before Daniel’s seventieth week begins, i.e. the seven-year period, while the second coming occurs […]
Matthew 24:30–31 Is NOT Describing the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19:11–21
[Today, I am starting a four-part article series, The Second Coming Does Not Begin with Armageddon. This is Part 1.] The battle of Armageddon is not the event that begins the second coming (the parousia). It is a deep-seated assumption among many pretrib and posttrib interpreters that Matt 24:30–31 is a parallel passage to […]
I called this one 9 days ago . . .
Will Christians Be Blamed?
Social Distancing at a Cemetery (Video)
*I forgot my wind filter for my mic, so there are a few points when it is windy, but they are temporary. I explained that the tumult happening right now in society is a type of what will happen during the seventieth week of Daniel, in particular during the beginning of birth pangs and the […]
Are Default Pretribbers Rethinking Their Pretrib Tradition in Light of the Current Outbreak?
You better believe they are. And a good number are pretrib pastors as well. And that is a good thing. The traffic for the Eschatos Ministries’ website has doubled in the last week. Not all pretribbers are hardcore pretribbers who will never challenge their view. There are many pretribbers who have been default, fence-sitters for […]
The ONE THING the Church Should Learn from This Outbreak . . .
Eschatology matters. This outbreak (should) be a game changer in churches who have ignored or dismissed teaching on the doctrine of eschatology. They can no longer ignore this doctrine without being derelict in their duty as shepherds of God’s people. i. The doctrine of eschatology gives Christians hope in what the world views as despair. […]