I am glad to see Dr. James White investigating eschatology. While I think he is wrong on postmillennialism and preterism, at least, contrary to popular opinion, it is a step closer to prewrath premillennialism. However, Dr. White has always practiced—and something I greatly respect—engaging the best arguments on the other side. But here is where […]
The Best Book Critiquing Preterism . . .
Ex-preterist theologian Dr. Brock Hollett has authored Debunking Preterism: How Over-Realized Eschatology Misses the Not Yet of Bible Prophecy. Dr. Brock D. Hollett formerly embraced preterism while earning his Master of Divinity at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2000 because the preterist perspective seemed to provide him with coherent arguments regarding the time statements of […]
Metacommentary on the Seals
The first four seals prove the guilty for God’s wrath, the fifth seal promises God’s wrath, the sixth seal portends God’s wrath, two groups are protected from God’s wrath, and the seventh seal pronounces God’s wrath. —Rev 6:1—8:5
Haman, a Type of Antichrist (Purim Video Message)
Dr. Mitch Glaser shares how the story of Queen Esther reminds us of God’s faithfulness to keep His covenants—regardless of circumstances!
Is the ‘144,000’ the Same as the ‘Woman’?
QUESTION: Someone recently asked a good question: If we assume [the 144,000 are Jews], Rev. 7 says they are sealed because they will be on earth during God’s wrath. According to Rev. 7, this sealing will happen right about the same time the rapture happens (the “great multitude”). Now these are the questions: (1) Will […]
The Ministry Magazine Will Be Published the First Week in April!
We are super excited that Biblical Prophecy Magazine is about to launch with its debut issue! Print and online versions. I have been hard working on this since last July. There has been many moving parts to put together a professional periodical such as this, but it is coming together. It will be a triannual […]
2 Reasons Why the Mark of the Beast Will Be a Physical-Literal Mark and Not Merely a Symbolic-Spiritual Truth
“He also caused everyone (small and great, rich and poor, free and slave) to obtain a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. Thus no one was allowed to buy or sell things unless he bore the mark of the beast—that is, his name or his number. This calls for wisdom: Let the […]
INBOX Q&A: The Sixth Seal Earthquake and the Seventh Bowl Earthquake
Barry asked: How can the mountains and islands be moved from their places in the seals AND the bowls. Are they moved from their places twice? Or are the seals and the bowls different narratives of the same event? Good question. First, Rev 6:14 reads, “The sky was split apart like a scroll being rolled […]
Daniel: Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (New Book) by J. Paul Tanner
Daniel: Evangelical Exegetical Commentary by J. Paul Tanner Get it on Amazon. In this volume from the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary, Paul Tanner argues that the book of Daniel is the Old Testament blueprint of the Bible’s overarching eschatological narrative. Tanner examines key aspects of the book of Daniel such as the revelation of Israel’s […]
The Seven Trumpet Judgments ARE God’s Wrath – Ep. 170
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thebiblicalprophecyprogram/Ep._170_Seven_Trumpet_Judgments_Gods_Wrath.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedDr. Kurschner explained that fire is the basic element of God’s wrath, which is explicitly expressed in the first three trumpet judgments in the book of Revelation. While the ungodly will suffer eternal fire in hell, they will also experience the fiery wrath of God in the […]
Nations and Eschatology (Video)
While the following discussion is not about nations in the millennium, you will see that it directly speaks to this. When Christ returns, God will continue his ordained-entity of nations. The amillennial notion of a nationless post-return of Jesus is unbiblical. You will find this biblical theological discussion between Jon Harris and Thomas Achord on […]