Besides my formal debate with Dr. Thomas Ice in Plano, Texas (you can find it on youtube), I almost forgot I had a mini-debate with Dr. Ice on Moody Radio that went really well. I am going to pull it out of the archive and note it here for those who have not heard it. […]
Outstanding Sermon on the Bowls—God’s FINAL Wrath
Misidentifying the ‘Last Trump’ as the ‘Seventh Trumpet’
I want to comment on this common posttribulation belief. In my thirty years of interacting with postribulationism, I have identified their Achilles heal in their interpretive framework. To put it simply, their fundamental belief is that Paul’s reference to the ‘last trump’ in 1 Cor 15 is identified as the seventh trumpet in the book […]
Preach It! – Revelation 14
Don’t Read Summary Statements in the Book of Revelation Literalistically
Summary statements are common in the book of Revelation, but I see interpreters read them in a literalistic matter. For example, in Revelation 14:17–20, there is a summary statement of the day of the Lord’s wrath using harvest imagery: Then another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp […]
Bible Prophecy Seminar in Under THREE Weeks!
JUNE Bible Prophecy Seminar in Minnesota!
Is Skynet a Forerunner to Revelation 13:15? [Video]
Aside from Rob Braxman’s articulate discussion about this new technology, I could not help to think of the eerie similarity to the “living” image of the beast from Revelation 13:15, which will be able to speak and have the power to kill those who refuse to worship the beast. Read Revelation 13:15 and then watch […]
The ONLY Prewrath Seminar/Conference in the Midwest THIS Summer!
In three weeks, I will be holding a one-day prewrath seminar. It is likely the only prewrath seminar that I will have in the midwest this summer. Be sure to attend! JUNE Bible Prophecy Seminar in Minnesota!
NEW Prewrath Book Released Next Spring! [Teaser]
This book is long awaited. I am super excited to get this into your hands. It is my major critique of the foundations of pretribulationism. This is the first book of its kind to completely focus on the presuppositions of pretribulation rapture theology. There are no pre-orders, nor any further details. Next time I post […]
JUNE Bible Prophecy Seminar in Minnesota!