We are pleased to announce that the current issue of Biblical Prophecy Magazine is now available online for PDF download. We make the online version available for free download to the public one month after the print version has been published. These days many ministries are going to digital-only because it is super expensive to […]
Woke Zombie Apocalypse (Video)
Trumpets to Tents (Video Playlist)
A Case for the Prewrath Rapture View (Video)
How Did Jesus Pronounce His Own Name? (Video)
Dr. Benjamin Kantor is an expert in both Hebrew and Greek historical phonology. Every language today has their own way of saying the name ‘Jesus’—English speakers say Jesus, Spanish speakers say /xeˈsus/, German speakers say /ˈjeːzʊs/, French speakers say /ʒe.zy/, Chinese speakers say 耶穌 yēsū, Korean speakers say 예수 [je̞sʰu], and Arabic speakers say يسوع […]
What Does the Pretrib Have To Lose?
If prewrath is wrong and the church is raptured before the Antichrist, then pretribs lose nothing. If pretrib is wrong and the church faces the Antichrist, then pretribs can lose everything, because many will believe they have missed the rapture and consequently become vulnerable to apostatize from the false teachings and persecutions from the Antichrist. […]
Should Pretrib Churches Have “Imminence” Statements in Their Statement of Faiths?
Many pretribulational churches place an “any moment rapture” affirmation in their statement of faith. Typically it is found in the last statement under “Jesus’s Return” where after stating that they believe in the “personal, physical, visible return of Jesus,” an imminence statement is added. This is problematic for several reasons: i. There are no statements […]
Why I Have ‘Rapture Anxiety’
Yesterday, CNN had a hit piece against Christians who believe in the rapture (I realize it is a hit piece on pretrib rapture theology, but the intent, in effect, is for all Christians who believe in Jesus’s return). It is titled “For some Christians, ‘rapture anxiety’ can take a lifetime to heal.” The article is […]
The Complete VIDEO INTERVIEW Is Ready to Be Viewed
One thing that the interviewer said at the beginning of the show that I appreciated was he noticed from reading my new book that there were new arguments against pretribulationism that he had never seen before. Exactly. Going deep to the very foundations of pretribulationism resulted in new argumentation. In addition, I was able to […]
(Video) INTERVIEW on My New Book Pretrib
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