Bring your Bible, not your speculations or traditions to this prophecy conference! (Aug 24–25). These days there is so much sensationalism that passes off for biblical prophecy, but the purpose for this conference is to seek a sober, faithful, and diligent study of God’s Word.
I understand that prewrath conferences are not popular in many American Christian circles—who wants to get up early on a Saturday morning and be taught that God may call you and your family to suffer martyrdom at the hands of Antichrist?
But I am encouraged that there is a faithful remnant of believers out there who seek biblical truth and want to please God in His calling on their lives.
We are living in interesting times. All the more reason to heed our Lord’s ominous warning: “Remember, I have told you ahead of time.” —Matt 24:25.
For more information on conference, see the flyer here.