For those who desire to (1) learn the Jewish background to the Bible, (2) learn biblical prophecy from an Israel-centric perspective, and (3) fellowship with like-minded believers, Eschatos Ministries will be starting a monthly Messianic Bible Studies and Fellowship.
This will be held in the Rice Lake, WI, area, so subscribe to email alerts for the meeting time and place. The teachings will not be recorded.
The Bible is a Jewish book written by Jews, ultimately about a Jew—Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ). Jesus was born a Jew, died a Jew, raised from the dead as a Jew, and he will return as a Jew. He taught that “salvation is from the Jews,” and his Jewish followers continued this message of good news.
Studying the Jewish context of the Bible will enrich our understanding of Jesus’s life and message so we can know what he requires of us.
Whether you are a Jew or Gentile, teachings on Messianic Jewish studies, including historical, literary, theological, linguistic, and cultural contexts from ancient biblical and extra-biblical Jewish sources, present a Messianic Jewish interpretation of the Bible and early Jewish Christianity.
Our main objective through these deeper studies and fellowship is to rejuvenate the love and faith of Jesus’s followers, encouraging them in obedience to God and revival of righteous living.