It has been a whirlwind this last year as I have had three books published in three different—but related—topics on eschatology:
THE MILLENNIUM: My dissertation was published, which is the first, and only, book published using a Greek analysis on the millennial passage in the Book of Revelation: A Linguistic Approach to Revelation 19:11–20:6 and the Millennium Binding of Satan
THE SECOND COMING: The first book to critique the TWO _foundations_ of pretribulation rapture theology: Pretrib: Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Rapture Theology
THE FUTURE OF ISRAEL: The most extensive book published on the topic of Israel’s future: The Future Restoration of Israel: A Response to Supersessionism
Thank you for everyone who supported me through these projects!
Current topics of book projects I am currently working on now, in no particular order:
An extensive critique of postmillennialism
The second book in a three-part series critiquing pretribulationism
My commentary on the Book of Revelation
A Greek linguistic edited volume on the Book of Revelation
New Creation Premillennialism on Revelation 19:11—22:21
Please consider becoming a Ministry Partner if you appreciate what I am doing and want to give back. These books are not published out of thin air!