This review was excellent as it shows that Zechariah 14 reveals that postmills and amills bow the knee to theological commitments rather than to God’s Word.
At one point, an audience member asked the participants about Zechariah 14, and both the amiller and postmiller admitted they were not very familiar with that passage (which in itself exposed their eschatological illiteracy).
But worse, rather than LISTENING to what God says in Zech 14, they both defaulted to their clichéd theological commitments.
The postmiller said it must be something that occurred in AD 70, which is absurd because the circumstance in Zech 14 is the OPPOSITE of what occurred in AD 70.
The amiller said it must be “figurative,” but admitting unfamiliarity with the text!
Start using Zechariah 14 in your eschatology discussions, and you will not have to wait long to hear deductive theological systems eclipse God’s Word.